我使用tableToJson,您可能會或可能不熟悉,到錶轉換成JSON(IVE包括它的代碼在這裏,如果你不知道它)。夠簡單。輸出是完全如預期,看起來像:表以JSON - >從<tr> IDS
{"Time":"6:30am - 8:30am","Monday":"","Tuesday":"Maths","Wednesday":"","Thursday":"","Friday":""},
{"Time":"11:15am - 12:45pm","Monday":"Maths","Tuesday":"","Wednesday":"English","Thursday":"","Friday":""},
{"Time":"3:00pm - 5:00pm","Monday":"","Tuesday":"","Wednesday":"English","Thursday":"","Friday":""},
{"Time":"5:00pm - 7:00pm","Monday":"","Tuesday":"Science","Wednesday":"","Thursday":"","Friday":""},
{"Time":"7:00pm - 9:00pm","Monday":"","Tuesday":"Science","Wednesday":"","Thursday":"","Friday":""}]
的#ids所以JSON樣子:(假設表HTML是<tr id="session 1"></tr>
"session 1":{"Time":"6:30am - 8:30am","Monday":"","Tuesday":"sdfsdf","Wednesday":"","Thursday":"","Friday":""},
"session 2":{"Time":"11:15am - 12:45pm","Monday":"sdfsdfsdf","Tuesday":"","Wednesday":"","Thursday":"","Friday":""},
"session 3":{"Time":"3:00pm - 5:00pm","Monday":"","Tuesday":"","Wednesday":"","Thursday":"","Friday":""},
"session 4":{"Time":"5:00pm - 7:00pm","Monday":"","Tuesday":"","Wednesday":"","Thursday":"","Friday":""},
"session 5":{"Time":"7:00pm - 9:00pm","Monday":"","Tuesday":"","Wednesday":"","Thursday":"","Friday":""}
(function($) {
'use strict';
$.fn.tableToJSON = function(opts) {
// Set options
var defaults = {
ignoreColumns: [],
onlyColumns: null,
ignoreHiddenRows: true,
ignoreEmptyRows: false,
headings: null,
allowHTML: false,
includeRowId: false,
textDataOverride: 'data-override',
textExtractor: null
opts = $.extend(defaults, opts);
var notNull = function(value) {
return value !== undefined && value !== null;
var ignoredColumn = function(index) {
if(notNull(opts.onlyColumns)) {
return $.inArray(index, opts.onlyColumns) === -1;
return $.inArray(index, opts.ignoreColumns) !== -1;
var arraysToHash = function(keys, values) {
var result = {},index=0, name = 'test';
$.each(values, function(i, value) {
// when ignoring columns, the header option still starts
// with the first defined column
if (index < keys.length && notNull(value)) {
result[ keys[index] ] = value;
return result;
var cellValues = function(cellIndex, cell, isHeader) {
var $cell = $(cell),
// textExtractor
extractor = opts.textExtractor,
override = $cell.attr(opts.textDataOverride);
// don't use extractor for header cells
if (extractor === null || isHeader) {
return $.trim(override || (opts.allowHTML ? $cell.html() : cell.textContent || $cell.text()) || '');
} else {
// overall extractor function
if ($.isFunction(extractor)) {
return $.trim(override || extractor(cellIndex, $cell));
} else if (typeof extractor === 'object' && $.isFunction(extractor[cellIndex])) {
return $.trim(override || extractor[cellIndex](cellIndex, $cell));
// fallback
return $.trim(override || (opts.allowHTML ? $cell.html() : cell.textContent || $cell.text()) || '');
var rowValues = function(row, isHeader) {
var result = [];
var includeRowId = opts.includeRowId;
var useRowId = (typeof includeRowId === 'boolean') ? includeRowId : (typeof includeRowId === 'string') ? true : false;
var rowIdName = (typeof includeRowId === 'string') === true ? includeRowId : 'rowId';
if (useRowId) {
if (typeof $(row).attr('id') === 'undefined') {
$(row).children('td,th').each(function(cellIndex, cell) {
result.push(cellValues(cellIndex, cell, isHeader));
return result;
var getHeadings = function(table) {
var firstRow = table.find('tr:first').first();
return notNull(opts.headings) ? opts.headings : rowValues(firstRow, true);
var construct = function(table, headings) {
var i, j, len, len2, txt, $row, $cell,
tmpArray = [], cellIndex = 0, result = [];
table.children('tbody,*').children('tr').each(function(rowIndex, row) {
if(rowIndex > 0 || notNull(opts.headings)) {
var includeRowId = opts.includeRowId;
var useRowId = (typeof includeRowId === 'boolean') ? includeRowId : (typeof includeRowId === 'string') ? true : false;
$row = $(row);
var isEmpty = ($row.find('td').length === $row.find('td:empty').length) ? true : false;
if(($row.is(':visible') || !opts.ignoreHiddenRows) && (!isEmpty || !opts.ignoreEmptyRows) && (!$row.data('ignore') || $row.data('ignore') === 'false')) {
cellIndex = 0;
if (!tmpArray[rowIndex]) {
tmpArray[rowIndex] = [];
if (useRowId) {
cellIndex = cellIndex + 1;
if (typeof $row.attr('id') !== 'undefined') {
} else {
$cell = $(this);
// skip column if already defined
while (tmpArray[rowIndex][cellIndex]) { cellIndex++; }
// process rowspans
if ($cell.filter('[rowspan]').length) {
len = parseInt($cell.attr('rowspan'), 10) - 1;
txt = cellValues(cellIndex, $cell);
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
if (!tmpArray[rowIndex + i]) { tmpArray[rowIndex + i] = []; }
tmpArray[rowIndex + i][cellIndex] = txt;
// process colspans
if ($cell.filter('[colspan]').length) {
len = parseInt($cell.attr('colspan'), 10) - 1;
txt = cellValues(cellIndex, $cell);
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
// cell has both col and row spans
if ($cell.filter('[rowspan]').length) {
len2 = parseInt($cell.attr('rowspan'), 10);
for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
tmpArray[rowIndex + j][cellIndex + i] = txt;
} else {
tmpArray[rowIndex][cellIndex + i] = txt;
txt = tmpArray[rowIndex][cellIndex] || cellValues(cellIndex, $cell);
if (notNull(txt)) {
tmpArray[rowIndex][cellIndex] = txt;
$.each(tmpArray, function(i, row){
if (notNull(row)) {
// remove ignoredColumns/add onlyColumns
var newRow = notNull(opts.onlyColumns) || opts.ignoreColumns.length ?
$.grep(row, function(v, index){ return !ignoredColumn(index); }) : row,
// remove ignoredColumns/add onlyColumns if headings is not defined
newHeadings = notNull(opts.headings) ? headings :
$.grep(headings, function(v, index){ return !ignoredColumn(index); });
txt = arraysToHash(newHeadings, newRow);
result[result.length] = txt;
return result;
// Run
var headings = getHeadings(this);
return construct(this, headings);
你jsons無效。逗號分隔的對象列表(數組)在方括號('{「data」:[{..},{..}')中定義。 –
從假我只是跑遺憾的實際輸出爲 [{「時間」:「上午6:30 - 8:30」,「星期一」:「」,「星期二」:「」,「星期三」:「」 「星期四」: 「」, 「星期五」: 「」},{ 「時代」: 「11:15 AM - 12:45 PM」, 「星期一」: 「sdfsdfsdf」, 「星期二」: 「」, 「星期三」: 「」,「星期四」:「」,「星期五」:「」},{「時間」:「下午3:00 - 下午5:00」,「星期一」:「」,「星期二」 :「」,「星期四」:「」,「星期五」:「」},{「時間」:「下午5:00 - 晚上7:00」,「星期一」:「」,「星期二」:「」,星期二「:」「,」星期五「:」「,」「時間」:「晚上7點至晚上9點」,「星期一」:「」,「星期二」:「」,週三「:」」,‘星期四’:‘’,‘星期五’:‘’}] – UpSideDownJason
很抱歉..這是我的剪切和粘貼失敗 – UpSideDownJason