2013-02-21 98 views

我在我的網站上集成了工具提示。 我面臨着從頂部定位的問題。Javascript工具提示定位


var tooltip = function() { 
var id = 'tt'; 
var top = 12; 
var left = 3; 
var maxw = 300; 
var speed = 10; 
var timer = 20; 
var endalpha = 95; 
var alpha = 0; 
var tt, t, c, b, h; 
var ie = document.all ? true : false; 
return { 
    show: function (v, w) { 
     if (tt == null) { 
      tt = document.createElement('div'); 
      tt.setAttribute('id', id); 
      t = document.createElement('div'); 
      t.setAttribute('id', id + 'top'); 
      c = document.createElement('div'); 
      c.setAttribute('id', id + 'cont'); 
      b = document.createElement('div'); 
      b.setAttribute('id', id + 'bot'); 
      tt.style.opacity = 0; 
      tt.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=0)'; 
      document.onmousemove = this.pos; 
     tt.style.display = 'block'; 
     var imagethemefolder; 
     if (window.theForm.ctl00$ddlSiteSkin) { 
      imagethemefolder = window.theForm.ctl00$ddlSiteSkin.value; 
     else { 
      imagethemefolder = window.parent.theForm.ctl00$ddlSiteSkin.value; 
     if (v == 'Save') { 
      v = '<img src="../Styles/Themes/' + imagethemefolder + '/Images/saveTooltip.png" class="ttImgPlacement" alt="" /><b class="ttTitle">Save</b><span class="ttContent">Select this option to Save the Records in database</span></strong>' 

     c.innerHTML = v; 
     //tt.style.width = w ? w + 'px' : 'auto'; 
     if (!w && ie) { 
      t.style.display = 'none'; 
      b.style.display = 'none'; 
      //tt.style.width = tt.offsetWidth; 
      t.style.display = 'block'; 
      b.style.display = 'block'; 
     //if (tt.offsetWidth > maxw) { 
     tt.style.width = maxw + 'px' 
     h = parseInt(tt.offsetHeight) + top; 
     tt.timer = setInterval(function() { tooltip.fade(1) }, timer); 
    pos: function (e) { 
     var u = ie ? event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop : e.pageY; 
     var l = ie ? event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft : e.pageX; 

     if (ie) { 
      if ((event.screenY - event.offsetY) > 100) { 
       var ci = Math.ceil(event.screenY - event.offsetY); 
       if (GetRadWindow()) { 
        //var height = document.parentWindow.GetRadWindow().get_height() 
        ci = 60; 

       var restval = ci % 100; 
       restval = restval.roundTo(10)/20; 
       if (restval >= 1) { 
        restval = restval - 1; 
       ci = ci.roundToLess(100); 
       tt.style.top = (ci + (20 * restval)) + 'px'; 

      else { 
       tt.style.top = 50 + 'px'; 
     else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') != -1) { 
      if ((e.screenY - e.layerY) > 100) { 
       var ci = Math.ceil(e.screenY - e.layerY); 
       if (GetRadWindow()) { 
        ci = 60; 
       var restval = ci % 100; 
       restval = restval.roundTo(10)/20; 
       if (restval >= 1) { 
        restval = restval - 1; 
       ci = ci.roundToLess(100); 
       tt.style.top = (ci + (20 * restval)) + 'px'; 
      else { 
       tt.style.top = 50 + 'px'; 
     else { 
      if ((e.screenY) > 100) { 
       var ci = Math.ceil(e.screenY); 
       if (GetRadWindow()) { 
        ci = 80; 
       var restval = ci % 100; 
       restval = restval.roundTo(10)/20; 
       if (restval >= 2) { 
        restval = restval - 2; 
       ci = ci.roundToLess(100); 
       tt.style.top = (ci + (20 * restval)) + 'px'; 
      else { 
       tt.style.top = 50 + 'px'; 

     //tt.style.top = ie ? (event.screenY - event.offsetY - top) + 'px' : (e.screenY - (e.layerY - top + 5)) + 'px'; 

     if (l > (document.documentElement.offsetWidth - 305)) { 
      tt.style.left = (l + left - 300) + 'px'; 
     else { 
      tt.style.left = (l + left) + 'px'; 
    fade: function (d) { 
     var a = alpha; 
     if ((a != endalpha && d == 1) || (a != 0 && d == -1)) { 
      var i = speed; 
      if (endalpha - a < speed && d == 1) { 
       i = endalpha - a; 
      } else if (alpha < speed && d == -1) { 
       i = a; 
      alpha = a + (i * d); 
      tt.style.opacity = alpha * .01; 
      tt.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + alpha + ')'; 
     } else { 
      if (d == -1) { tt.style.display = 'none' } 
    hide: function() { 
     tt.timer = setInterval(function() { tooltip.fade(-1) }, timer); 

我已經做了很多排列和組合,並使其工作得很好。 唯一的問題是頂端定位在瀏覽器中無法正確顯示。



也許不完全相關,而且Chrome提供了'document.all',因此你的腳本把瀏覽器作爲IE瀏覽器... – Teemu 2013-02-21 11:30:17


我使用http://沙箱.scriptiny.com/tooltip /作爲此工具提示的參考。我已經修改了它中的script.js文件來滿足要求,但是我沒有得到正確的工作。 @Teemu。對不起,但我不理解你的陳述。請詳細說明。因爲我不是Javascript Pro,所以我嘗試了一些邏輯並集成了它。謝謝。 – nitesh 2013-02-22 04:56:06




<script type="text/javascript"> 
$(document).ready(function() { 
     content: 'New Request Alt+N', 
     position: { 
      corner: { 
       target: 'topRight', 
       tooltip: 'bottomLeft' 
     show: 'mouseover', 
     hide: 'mouseout', 
     style: { 
      background: '#A2D959', 
      color: 'black',`enter code here` 
      textAlign: 'center', 
      border: { 
       radius: 4, 
       color: '#A2D959' 
      tip: 'bottomLeft' 

瞭解更多詳情: http://codersshop.blogspot.in/2013/06/tooltip-implementation-you-can-download.html