2015-04-30 97 views


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<script src="enyo-master/enyo.js"></script>
<link rel=stylesheet href="http://enyojs.com/enyo-2.0b/enyo.css> 

<link rel="stylesheet" href="button_enyo.css"> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="checkbox-sample.css"> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="connect .css"> 


     .connect .heading1{ 
     padding-left: 450px; 
     color: #3BAAFF; 
     text-transform: uppercase; 
     font-weight: bolder; 
     margin-bottom: 31px; 
     font-size: 31px; 
    .connect .heading2{ 
    \t padding-left : 512px; 
    \t color: #5ED4FF; 
    \t text-transform: uppercase; 
    \t font-weight: bold; 
    \t position: absolute; 

    .connect .results { 
    \t padding: 20px; 
    \t min-height: 24px; 
    \t border-radius: 10px; 
    \t color: #FFF; 
    \t background-color: #555; 
    \t display : inline-block; 
    \t width: 786px; 
    \t position : relative; 
    \t left: 134px; 

    .button-sample { 
    \t padding: 0 20px; 
    \t font-family: Segoe UI, Prelude Medium, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; 
    \t font-size: 16px; 
    \t margin-top: 85px; 
      margin-left: 105px; 
    .button-sample .section { 
    \t padding-top: 20px; 
    \t color: #F49200; 
    \t text-transform: uppercase; 
    \t font-weight: bold; 
    \t margin-bottom: 8px; 

    .button-sample button { 
    \t margin: 10px; 
    .button-sample .results { 
    \t margin: 20px 0; 
    \t padding: 20px; 
    \t min-height: 24px; 
    \t border-radius: 10px; 
    \t color: #FFF; 
    \t background-color: #555; 
    .button-sample .image-button { 
    \t width: 200px; 
    \t height: 100px; 


    .checkbox-sample { 
    \t padding: 0 20px; 
    \t font-family: Segoe UI, Prelude Medium, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; 
    \t font-size: 16px; 
    \t margin-top: 85px; 
     margin-left: 105px; 
    .checkbox-sample .section { 
    \t padding-top: 20px; 
    \t color: #F49200; 
    \t text-transform: uppercase; 
    \t font-weight: bold; 
    \t margin-bottom: 8px; 
    \t /*position : absolute;*/ 
    .checkbox-sample .enyo-checkbox { 
    \t margin: 10px; 
    .checkbox-sample .results { 
    \t margin: 20px 0; 
    \t padding: 20px; 
    \t min-height: 24px; 
    \t border-radius: 10px; 
    \t color: #FFF; 
    \t background-color: #555; 
<!doctype html> 

    <html lang="en"> 
     <meta charset="utf-8"> 

     <title>Connect 2015</title> 
     <meta name="description" content="The HTML5 Herald"> 
     <meta name="author" content="SitePoint"> 

     <link rel=stylesheet href="http://enyojs.com/enyo-2.0b/enyo.css"> 

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="button_enyo.css"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="checkbox-sample.css"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="connect .css"> 

     <!--[if lt IE 9]> 
     <script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script> 

     <script src="http://enyojs.com/enyo-2.0b/enyo.js"></script> 
     <script src="enyo-master/enyo.js"></script> 
    \t name: "enyo.sample.ButtonSample", 
    \t classes: "button-sample", 
    \t components: [ 
    \t \t {content: "Buttons", classes: "section"}, 
    \t \t {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Action Button", ontap: "buttonToggleTapped"}, 
    \t \t {kind: "enyo.Button", name: "toggleButton", disabled: true, content: "Disabled Button", ontap: "buttonTapped"}, 
    \t \t {content: "Grouped Buttons", classes: "section"}, 
    \t \t {kind: "enyo.Group", onActivate: "groupButtonsActivated", components: [ 
    \t \t \t {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Grouped Button 1"}, 
    \t \t \t {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Grouped Button 2"}, 
    \t \t \t {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Grouped Button 3"} 
    \t \t ]}, 
    \t \t {content: "Image Button", classes: "section"}, 
    \t \t {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Image Button", classes: "image-button", ontap: "buttonTapped", components: [ 
    \t \t \t {kind: "enyo.Image", src: "http://enyojs.com/img/enyo-logo.png", alt: "Enyo Logo"} 
    \t \t //]}, 
    \t \t ]} 
    \t \t //{name: "results", classes: "results"} 
    \t \t ], 
    \t \t 
    \t \t 
    \t buttonTapped: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
    \t \t //this.updateResult({content: "The \"" + inSender.getContent() + "\" button is tapped."}); 
    \t \t this.on("updateResult", {content: "The \"" + inSender.getContent() + "\" button is tapped."}); 
    \t }, 
    \t buttonToggleTapped: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
    \t \t this.buttonTapped(inSender, inEvent); 
    \t \t this.$.toggleButton.setDisabled(!this.$.toggleButton.getDisabled()).setContent(this.$.toggleButton.getDisabled() ? "Disabled Button" : "Enabled Button"); 
    \t }, 
    \t groupButtonsActivated: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
    \t \t if (inEvent.originator.getParent().getActive()) { 
    \t \t \t this.updateResult({content: "The \"" + inEvent.originator.getParent().getActive().getContent() + "\" button is selected."}); 
    \t \t } 
    \t //}, 
    \t }, 
    \t updateResult: function(inComponent) { 
    \t \t this.$.results.destroyClientControls(); 
    \t \t this.$.results.createComponent(inComponent); 
    \t \t this.$.results.render(); 
    \t } 
    }); \t 
    \t enyo.kind({ 
    \t name: "enyo.sample.CheckboxSample", 
    \t classes: "checkbox-sample", 
    \t components: [ 
    \t {content: "Checkboxes", classes: "section"}, 
    \t \t {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Checkbox 1", onchange: "checkboxChanged"}, 
    \t \t {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Checkbox 2", onchange: "checkboxChanged"}, 
    \t \t {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Checkbox 3", onchange: "checkboxChanged"}, 
    \t \t {content: "Grouped Checkboxes", classes: "section"}, 
    \t \t {kind: "enyo.Group", onActivate: "groupActivated", components: [ 
    \t \t \t {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Grouped Checkbox 1"}, 
    \t \t \t {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Grouped Checkbox 2"}, 
    \t \t \t {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Grouped Checkbox 3"} 
    \t \t //]}, 
    \t  ]} 
    \t \t //{name: "results", classes: "results"} 
    \t //], 
    \t ], 
    \t checkboxChanged: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
    \t \t this.updateResult({content: "The \"" + inEvent.originator.getContent() + "\" checkbox is " + (inSender.getChecked() ? "checked": "unchecked") + "."}); 
    \t }, 
    \t groupActivated: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
    \t \t if (inEvent.originator.getActive()) { 
    \t \t \t this.updateResult({content: "The \"" + inEvent.originator.getContent() + "\" checkbox is selected."}); 
    \t \t } 
    \t //}, 
    \t } 

    //new enyo.sample.ButtonSample().renderInto(document.body); 

    name: "connect", 
    classes: "connect ", 
    components: [ 
    { content : "CONNECT Signup 2015", classes : "heading1"}, 
    //{ content : "Please signup for Connect", classes : "heading2"}, 
    {name: "results", classes: "results"}, 
    { kind: "enyo.sample.ButtonSample" }, 
    { kind: "enyo.sample.CheckboxSample" }, 

    // ] 
    new connect().renderInto(document.body); 




在按鈕的點擊聲明1,顯示器應該是button1被點擊, 點擊其他按鈕,顯示器應該被點擊; 對於複選框,我還必須將觸發的動作顯示組合到該stae-result結果框中。在複選框的點擊檢查時,點擊複選框1,即在刪除按鈕動作之後應該顯示該複選框。



編輯您的問題以刪除註釋掉的代碼塊是值得的,因爲它會讓別人更容易幫助您。 –


@Wai我已刪除不必要的評論。任何人請建議 –


你犯了幾個錯誤,使用一些解決方法,預期的結果可以實現,但最重要的是你的代碼根本不是結構化的,因爲你使用'this。$。'調用了兄弟組件的方法在理想情況下,事件可能會更有用的將結果數據傳遞到兄弟組件..我會很快發佈工作代碼.. –





    name: "enyo.sample.ButtonSample", 
    classes: "button-sample", 
    components: [ 
     {content: "Buttons", classes: "section"}, 
     {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Action Button", ontap: "buttonToggleTapped"}, 
     {kind: "enyo.Button", name: "toggleButton", disabled: true, content: "Disabled Button", ontap: "buttonTapped"}, 
     {content: "Grouped Buttons", classes: "section"}, 
     {kind: "enyo.Group", onActivate: "groupButtonsActivated", components: [ 
      {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Grouped Button 1"}, 
      {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Grouped Button 2"}, 
      {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Grouped Button 3"} 
     {content: "Image Button", classes: "section"}, 
     {kind: "enyo.Button", content: "Image Button", classes: "image-button", ontap: "buttonTapped", components: [ 
      {kind: "enyo.Image", src: "http://enyojs.com/img/enyo-logo.png", alt: "Enyo Logo"} 
    //Custom event 
    events: { 
     onUpdateResult: "", 
    buttonTapped: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
     //Once button tapped, propagate/bubble the event with required data 
     this.doUpdateResult({content: "The \"" + inSender.getContent() + "\" button is tapped."}); 
    buttonToggleTapped: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
     //button tapped 
     this.buttonTapped(inSender, inEvent); 
     this.$.toggleButton.setDisabled(!this.$.toggleButton.getDisabled()).setContent(this.$.toggleButton.getDisabled() ? "Disabled Button" : "Enabled Button"); 
    groupButtonsActivated: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
     if (inEvent.originator.getParent().getActive()) { 
      this.doUpdateResult({content: "The \"" + inEvent.originator.getParent().getActive().getContent() + "\" button is selected."}); 

    name: "enyo.sample.CheckboxSample", 
    classes: "checkbox-sample", 
    components: [ 
     {content: "Checkboxes", classes: "section"}, 
      {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Checkbox 1", onchange: "checkboxChanged"}, 
      {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Checkbox 2", onchange: "checkboxChanged"}, 
      {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Checkbox 3", onchange: "checkboxChanged"}, 
      {content: "Grouped Checkboxes", classes: "section"}, 
      {kind: "enyo.Group", onActivate: "groupActivated", components: [ 
       {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Grouped Checkbox 1"}, 
       {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Grouped Checkbox 2"}, 
       {kind: "enyo.Checkbox", content: "Grouped Checkbox 3"} 
    //Custom event 
    events: { 
     onUpdateResult: "", 
    checkboxChanged: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
    //Propagate the event with required data 
     this.doUpdateResult({content: "The \"" + inEvent.originator.getContent() + "\" checkbox is " + (inSender.getChecked() ? "checked": "unchecked") + "."}); 
    groupActivated: function(inSender, inEvent) { 
     if (inEvent.originator.getActive()) { 
      this.doUpdateResult({content: "The \"" + inEvent.originator.getContent() + "\" checkbox is selected."}); 


name: "connect", 
classes: "connect ", 
components: [ 
    { content : "CONNECT Signup 2015", classes : "heading1"}, 
    {name: "results", classes: "results"}, 
    { kind: "enyo.sample.ButtonSample" }, 
    { kind: "enyo.sample.CheckboxSample" }, 
//Event handled by common parent, callback executed 
handlers: { 
    onUpdateResult: "updateResult" 
//This callback will update the results 
updateResult: function(inSender,inEvent) { 
new connect().renderInto(document.body); 
