下面是如何讀取文本文件的行一般:What's the fastest way to read a text file line-by-line?
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
int numLines = lines.Length;
for (int lineCounter = 1 /*discard the first*/;lineCounter<Length-1 /*discard the last*/;lineCounter++)
Do whatever you want with lines[lineCounter]
var result = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"c:\path\to\file.txt")
.Replace("*", string.Empty) // remove the asterisks
.Trim(); // trim whitespace and newlines
string readContents;
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
readContents = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
int start = readContents.IndexOf("*****") + 1;
int end = readContents.LastIndexOf("*****", start);
string result = readContents.Substring(start, end - start);
這會還讀了*******行 –
@MartinBrown代碼更新了。請檢查 –
不行,仍然不起作用。假設文件中包含「***** \ r \ nSome Text \ r \ n *** **「。變量'start'最終爲1. LastIndex然後在結尾爲1的字符串中查找」*****「,即它在」*「中查找」*****「。'結束「然後變成-1使子字符串失敗。 –
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讀每一行,尋找線= *****」,過程下一行,看着每一個,直到你看到‘****’再次 – pm100
我的意思是,RLY,寫一些代碼 – pm100