2015-06-28 23 views



> colnames(p) 
[1] "Time"               
[2] "\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Queue Length"  
[3] "\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length" 
[4] "\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Write Queue Length" 
[5] "\\\\testdb1\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time"    
[6] "\\\\testdb1\\System\\Processes"        
[7] "\\\\testdb1\\System\\Processor Queue Length" 


p <- read.csv("r-perfmon.csv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE) 


> head(p) 
        Time \\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Queue Length 
1 04/15/2013 00:00:19.279            0.040037563 
2 04/15/2013 00:00:34.279            0.009740260 
3 04/15/2013 00:00:49.275            0.011009828 
4 04/15/2013 00:01:04.284            0.006016244 
5 04/15/2013 00:01:19.279            0.015125328 
6 04/15/2013 00:01:34.275            0.002814141 
    \\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length 
1             0.001421333 
2             0.000000000 
3             0.000206726 
4             0.000000000 
5             0.001894000 
6             0.000000000 
    \\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Write Queue Length 
1             0.038616230 
2             0.009740260 
3             0.010803102 
4             0.006016244 
5             0.013231327 
6             0.002814141 
    \\\\testdb1\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time \\\\testdb1\\System\\Processes 
1          29.569339        86 
2          10.856994        86 
3           7.733924        81 
4           1.910202        81 
5           6.164864        81 
6           1.351883        81 
    \\\\testdb1\\System\\Processor Queue Length 
1           0 
2           0 
3           0 
4           0 
5           0 
6           0 



> example <- p[2] 
> head(example) 
    \\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Queue Length 
1            0.040037563 
2            0.009740260 
3            0.011009828 
4            0.006016244 
5            0.015125328 
6            0.002814141 


Time, MachineName, Object, Counter, InstanceName, Value 
04/15/2013 00:00:19.279, testdb1, PhysicalDisk, Avg. Disk Queue Length, 0 C:, 0.040037563 
04/15/2013 00:00:34.279, testdb1, PhysicalDisk, Avg. Disk Queue Length, 0 C:, 0.009740260 
04/15/2013 00:00:49.275, testdb1, PhysicalDisk, Avg. Disk Queue Length, 0 C:, 0.011009828 


structure(list(`(PDH-CSV 4.0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)` = c("04/15/2013 00:00:19.279", 
"04/15/2013 00:00:34.279", "04/15/2013 00:00:49.275", "04/15/2013 00:01:04.284", 
"04/15/2013 00:01:19.279", "04/15/2013 00:01:34.275"), `\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Queue Length` = c(0.040037563, 
0.00974026, 0.011009828, 0.006016244, 0.015125328, 0.002814141 
), `\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length` = c(0.001421333, 
0, 0.000206726, 0, 0.001894, 0), `\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Write Queue Length` = c(0.03861623, 
0.00974026, 0.010803102, 0.006016244, 0.013231327, 0.002814141 
), `\\\\testdb1\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time` = c(29.56933862, 
10.85699395, 7.733924001, 1.910202013, 6.164864178, 1.351882837 
), `\\\\testdb1\\System\\Processes` = c(86L, 86L, 81L, 81L, 81L, 
81L), `\\\\testdb1\\System\\Processor Queue Length` = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L)), .Names = c("(PDH-CSV 4.0) (GMT Daylight Time)(-60)", 
"\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Queue Length", "\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length", 
"\\\\testdb1\\PhysicalDisk(0 C:)\\Avg. Disk Write Queue Length", 
"\\\\testdb1\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time", "\\\\testdb1\\System\\Processes", 
"\\\\testdb1\\System\\Processor Queue Length"), row.names = c(NA, 
6L), class = "data.frame") 

首先在r中使用'reshape'將數據重塑爲長格式,然後在最後一列名稱中使用'strsplit'。如果您希望其他人重現您的數據,您還需要「輸入」您的數據。 – user227710


我用長格式'p < - melt(p,id = c(「time」))''但我正在努力解決這個問題 – Gauss


在寬格式中,您可以一次更改每一列......但是im不確定最終數據集的外觀。但是對於你的例子..'s < - strsplit(colnames(example),「\\\\ | \\)| \\(」)[[1]]; data.frame(t(s [nzchar(s)]),示例[[1]]) – user20650





# Look at second column - then all you need to do is tweak the names 
s <- strsplit(colnames(d)[2], "\\\\|\\)|\\(")[[1]] 
data.frame(time = d[[1]], t(s[nzchar(s)]), value=d[[2]]) 

        time  X1   X2 X3      X4  value 
1 04/15/2013 00:00:19.279 testdb1 PhysicalDisk 0 C: Avg. Disk Queue Length 0.040037563 
2 04/15/2013 00:00:34.279 testdb1 PhysicalDisk 0 C: Avg. Disk Queue Length 0.009740260 
3 04/15/2013 00:00:49.275 testdb1 PhysicalDisk 0 C: Avg. Disk Queue Length 0.011009828 
4 04/15/2013 00:01:04.284 testdb1 PhysicalDisk 0 C: Avg. Disk Queue Length 0.006016244 
5 04/15/2013 00:01:19.279 testdb1 PhysicalDisk 0 C: Avg. Disk Queue Length 0.015125328 
6 04/15/2013 00:01:34.275 testdb1 PhysicalDisk 0 C: Avg. Disk Queue Length 0.002814141 

strsplit將每個串在\\() - 在R注意這些需要與領先\\進行轉義。這個結果,其中由nzchar功能去掉了一些空字符串(返回FALSE如果長度爲零)

# Apply it over all variables 
lapply(seq_along(colnames(d))[-1], function(i) { 
       s <- strsplit(colnames(d)[[i]], "\\\\|\\)|\\(")[[1]] 
       data.frame(time = d[[1]], t(s[nzchar(s)]), value=d[[i]]) 



謝謝你,這是一個非常好的起點。這段代碼似乎會發生什麼,最終我得到了一個數據幀,其中有很多列時間,x1,x2,time.1,x1.1,x2.1,time.2,x1.2等。我很希望數據將只有時間,x1,x2列。那有意義嗎? – Gauss


嗨高斯,即時通訊不太確定預期的輸出應該是什麼樣子,當我剛剛做了第二欄,它符合您的問題的預期結果。由於列名分隔到不同數量的部分,我不確定如何/如果你想合併它們。你能指出你想如何組合多欄輸出嗎? – user20650


也許創建三個數據框。物理磁盤,處理器和系統各一個,並將公共列一起打包? – user20650
