2012-07-29 39 views



我懷疑有使用這個預定義的功能,但如果有人知道一個更好的解決方案,它會受到極大的歡迎。 ;)


source array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 

split source array in two 
array a(0, 1, 2) 
array b(3, 4, 5) 

set array a(0) = 4 
array a(4, 1, 2) 
array b(3, 4, 5) 
source array(4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 







Public Declare Function GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal pSrc As Long, ByVal pDst As Long) As Long 
Public Declare Function PutMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal pDst As Long, ByVal NewValue As Long) As Long 
Public Declare Function PutMem8 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal pDst As Long, ByVal NewValueLow As Long, ByVal NewValueHigh As Long) As Long 


Private Declare Function SafeArrayAllocDescriptor Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal cDims As Long, ppsaOut As Any) As Long 
Private Declare Function SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor Lib "oleaut32" (psa As Any) As Long 

Private Const S_OK As Long = 0 

Public Declare Function ArrPtr Lib "msvbvm60" Alias "VarPtr" (arr() As Any) As Long 

Public Function StrArrPtr(arr() As String, Optional ByVal IgnoreMe As Long = 0) As Long 
    GetMem4 VarPtr(IgnoreMe) - 4, VarPtr(StrArrPtr) 
End Function 

Public Function UDTArrPtr(ByRef arr As Variant) As Long 
    If VarType(arr) Or vbArray Then 
    GetMem4 VarPtr(arr) + 8, VarPtr(UDTArrPtr) 
    Err.Raise 5, , "Variant must contain array of user defined type" 
    End If 
End Function 

Public Function CreateSAFEARRAY(ByVal ppBlankArr As Long, ByVal ElemSize As Long, ByVal pData As Long, ParamArray Bounds()) As Long 

'ParamArray Bounds describes desired array dimensions in VB style 
'bounds(0) - lower bound of first dimension 
'bounds(1) - upper bound of first dimension 
'bounds(2) - lower bound of second dimension 
'bounds(3) - upper bound of second dimension 

    Dim i As Long 

    If (UBound(Bounds) - LBound(Bounds) + 1) Mod 2 Then Err.Raise 5, "SafeArray", "Bounds must contain even number of entries." 

    If SafeArrayAllocDescriptor((UBound(Bounds) - LBound(Bounds) + 1)/2, ByVal ppBlankArr) <> S_OK Then Err.Raise 5 

    GetMem4 ppBlankArr, VarPtr(CreateSAFEARRAY) 
    PutMem4 CreateSAFEARRAY + 4, ElemSize 
    PutMem4 CreateSAFEARRAY + 12, pData 

    For i = LBound(Bounds) To UBound(Bounds) - 1 Step 2 
    If Bounds(i + 1) - Bounds(i) + 1 > 0 Then 
     PutMem8 CreateSAFEARRAY + 16 + (UBound(Bounds) - i - 1) * 4, Bounds(i + 1) - Bounds(i) + 1, Bounds(i) 
     SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor ByVal CreateSAFEARRAY 
     CreateSAFEARRAY = 0 
     PutMem4 ppBlankArr, 0 
     Err.Raise 5, , "Each dimension must contain at least 1 element" 
    End If 
End Function 

Public Function DestroySAFEARRAY(ByVal ppArray As Long) As Long 
    GetMem4 ppArray, VarPtr(DestroySAFEARRAY) 
    If SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor(ByVal DestroySAFEARRAY) <> S_OK Then Err.Raise 5 
    PutMem4 ppArray, 0 
    DestroySAFEARRAY = 0 
End Function 


Dim source(0 To 5) As Long 
source(0) = 0: source(1) = 1: source(2) = 2: source(3) = 3: source(4) = 4: source(5) = 5 

Dim a() As Long 
Dim b() As Long 

CreateSAFEARRAY ArrPtr(a), 4, VarPtr(source(0)), 0, 2 
CreateSAFEARRAY ArrPtr(b), 4, VarPtr(source(3)), 0, 2 

MsgBox b(0) 

a(0) = 4 

DestroySAFEARRAY ArrPtr(a) 
DestroySAFEARRAY ArrPtr(b) 

MsgBox source(0) 

一定要使用正確的ArrPtr味道,以符合您陣列(StrArrPtr爲字符串數組, UDTArrPtr用於用戶定義類型的數組01其他的一切都是)。




我不認爲這是複雜的。爲了排序對象數組的簡單目的,這可能有點太複雜。另外我不是VB專家,我在Basic上學過C++,我可能會犯很多錯誤,並花費數小時來調試和搜索。 ;)謝謝你反正! +1 – Kiruse 2012-07-30 01:02:07


我發現了一些關於無證函數的信息'VarPtr' [here](http://vb.mvps.org/tips/varptr.asp) – ja72 2014-08-15 18:05:48


@ ja72 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/199​​824/en-us – GSerg 2014-08-15 18:10:08