請問如何遞增地使用求解器Z3? 此外,當我使用v.name()
時,如何得到沒有命題值的模型? 如,撥打程序cout<<v.name()<<m.get_const_interp(v);
後,我們可以得到型號爲 x = 3, p = true, y = 4
,因爲我不需要p = true
請問如何遞增地使用求解器Z3? 此外,當我使用v.name()
時,如何得到沒有命題值的模型? 如,撥打程序cout<<v.name()<<m.get_const_interp(v);
後,我們可以得到型號爲 x = 3, p = true, y = 4
,因爲我不需要p = true
我已經添加了新的C++示例,演示瞭如何使用Z3 C++ API進行增量式求解。新的例子已經可用online。我在帖子末尾複製了這些例子。
void incremental_example1() {
std::cout << "incremental example1\n";
context c;
expr x = c.int_const("x");
solver s(c);
s.add(x > 0);
std::cout << s.check() << "\n";
// We can add more formulas to the solver
s.add(x < 0);
// and, invoke s.check() again...
std::cout << s.check() << "\n";
void incremental_example2() {
// In this example, we show how push() and pop() can be used
// to remove formulas added to the solver.
std::cout << "incremental example2\n";
context c;
expr x = c.int_const("x");
solver s(c);
s.add(x > 0);
std::cout << s.check() << "\n";
// push() creates a backtracking point (aka a snapshot).
// We can add more formulas to the solver
s.add(x < 0);
// and, invoke s.check() again...
std::cout << s.check() << "\n";
// pop() will remove all formulas added between this pop() and the matching push()
// The context is satisfiable again
std::cout << s.check() << "\n";
// and contains only x > 0
std::cout << s << "\n";
void incremental_example3() {
// In this example, we show how to use assumptions to "remove"
// formulas added to a solver. Actually, we disable them.
std::cout << "incremental example3\n";
context c;
expr x = c.int_const("x");
solver s(c);
s.add(x > 0);
std::cout << s.check() << "\n";
// Now, suppose we want to add x < 0 to the solver, but we also want
// to be able to disable it later.
// To do that, we create an auxiliary Boolean variable
expr b = c.bool_const("b");
// and, assert (b implies x < 0)
s.add(implies(b, x < 0));
// Now, we check whether s is satisfiable under the assumption "b" is true.
expr_vector a1(c);
std::cout << s.check(a1) << "\n";
// To "disable" (x > 0), we may just ask with the assumption "not b" or not provide any assumption.
std::cout << s.check() << "\n";
expr_vector a2(c);
std::cout << s.check(a2) << "\n";
如果我想刪除添加到解算器中的公式,比如f和not f已經被添加,那麼f就不再需要了,我怎麼能夠實際刪除它? – Million
上面的例子展示瞭如何使用假設「禁用」斷言(請參閱'incremental_example3')。 –