我正在寫一個相當簡單的使用Node.js和請求模塊和cheerio模塊的網絡抓取工具。 我所想要的,原因有兩個我的代碼不工作:Node.js Web抓取問題|請求| cheerio
- 當試圖刮掉圖像URL我只與單個URL多次爲每個頁面返回。
- 每個「HREF」和「標題」的迭代發生在一個看似隨機的順序(它是相同的順序中的每個的時間,但仍沒有爲了例如1,2,3等)
var request = require('request'),
cheerio = require('cheerio');
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var database = "storage.db"
console.log('[+] Creating database: ' + database);
var db = new sqlite3.Database(database);
var pw_url = "https://primewire.unblocked.ink"
console.log('[+] Creating table with rows...');
db.serialize(function() {
db.run("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS main (title TEXT, film_page_links TEXT, img_url TEXT)");
var img_urls = {}
function iter_pages(page_number) {
request(pw_url + '/index.php?sort=featured&page=' + page_number, function(err, resp, body) {
if(!err && resp.statusCode == 200) {
console.log('[+] The request response status code is: ' + resp.statusCode);
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
console.log('[+] Inserting values into database.');
$('.index_item a img', '.index_container').each(function() {
img_urls.img_url = $(this).attr('src');
$('.index_item a', '.index_container').each(function() {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
var title = $(this).attr('title');
if(url.startsWith('/watch-')) {
//urls.push('https://primewire.unblocked.ink' + url);
db.run("INSERT INTO main (title, film_page_links, img_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
title.replace("Watch ", ""),
pw_url + url,
"https:" + img_urls.img_url);
console.log('[+] Processed page:' + page_number);
for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
[+] Creating database: storage.db
[+] Creating table with rows...
[+] The request response status code is: 200
[+] Inserting values into database.
[+] Processed page:4
[+] The request response status code is: 200
[+] Inserting values into database.
[+] Processed page:1
[+] The request response status code is: 200
[+] Inserting values into database.
[+] Processed page:3
[+] The request response status code is: 200
[+] Inserting values into database.
[+] Processed page:2
哇,謝謝Farid,問題1解決了 - 太棒了!我不知道以'$('img',this)'這樣的方法獲取img標籤。我現在將着手解決您的建議中的問題二。這是一個明確的選擇答案謝謝你又:) –