;File: fig0647.pep
;Computer Systems, Fourth edition
;Figure 6.47
BR main
data: .EQUATE 0 ;struct field #2d
next: .EQUATE 2 ;struct field #2h
;******* main()
first: .EQUATE 4 ;local variable #2h
p: .EQUATE 2 ;local variable #2h
value: .EQUATE 0 ;local variable #2d
main: SUBSP 6,i ;allocate #first #p #value
LDA 0,i ;first = 0
STA first,s
DECI value,s ;cin >> value
while: LDA value,s ;while (value != -9999)
CPA -9999,i
BREQ endWh
LDA first,s ; p = first
STA p,s
LDA 4,i ; first = new node
CALL new ; allocate #data #next
STX first,s
LDA value,s ; first->data = value
LDX data,i
STA first,sxf
LDA p,s ; first->next = p
LDX next,i
STA first,sxf
DECI value,s ; cin >> value
BR while
endWh: LDA first,s ;for (p = first
STA p,s
for: LDA p,s ; p != 0
CPA 0,i
BREQ endFor
LDX data,i ; cout << p->data
DECO p,sxf
CHARO ' ',i ; << ' '
LDX next,i ; p = p->next)
LDA p,sxf
STA p,s
BR for
endFor: ADDSP 6,i ;deallocate #value #p #first
;******* operator new
; Precondition: A contains number of bytes
; Postcondition: X contains pointer to bytes
new: LDX hpPtr,d ;returned pointer
ADDA hpPtr,d ;allocate from heap
STA hpPtr,d ;update hpPtr
hpPtr: .ADDRSS heap ;address of next free byte
heap: .BLOCK 1 ;first byte in the heap
BR main
data: .EQUATE 0 ;struct field #2d
next: .EQUATE 2 ;struct field #2h
first: .BLOCK 2 ;global variable #2h
p: .BLOCK 2 ;global variable #2h
value: .BLOCK 2 ;global variable #2d
main: LDA 0,i ;first = 0
STA first,s
DECI value,s ;cin >> value
while: LDA value,s ;while (value != -9999)
CPA -9999,i
BREQ endWh
LDA first,s ; p = first
STA p,s
LDA 4,i ; first = new node
CALL new ; allocate #data #next
STX first,s
LDA value,s ; first->data = value
LDX data,i
STA first,sxf
LDA p,s ; first->next = p
LDX next,i
STA first,sxf
DECI value,s ; cin >> value
BR while
endWh: LDA first,s ;for (p=first)
STA p,s
for: LDA p,s ; p != 0
CPA 0,i
BREQ endFor
LDX data,i ; couunt << p->data
DECO p,sxf
CHARO ' ',s ; << ' '
LDX next,s ; p = p->next)
LDA p,sxf
STA p,s
BR for
endFor: STOP
;....... operator new
; Precondition: A contains number of bytes
; Postcondition: X contains pointer to byte
new: LDX hpPtr,d ;returned pointer
ADDA hpPtr,d ;allocate from heap
STA hpPtr,d ;update hpPtr
hpPtr: .ADDRSS heap ;address of next free byte
heap: .BLOCK 1 ;first byte in the heap