因此,您最好的選擇是模擬交互式提交Feed URL,該提要需要填寫包含Feed URL的輸入框並按提交按鈕。
下面的代碼實現兩項建議(仿真的交互的方式,從我的this answer改編):
# Sample value
set the clipboard to "https://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510298"
set feed_url to the clipboard as string
# Base URL only; the feed URL will be submitted by simulated interaction below.
set the podbaseurl to "http://podba.se/validate/"
set the feedvalidatorurl to "http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=" & feed_url
set the castfeedurl to "http://castfeedvalidator.com/?url=" & feed_url
tell application "Safari"
set newDoc to make new document
set newWin to front window
# Simulate interactive submission of feed_url at podbaseurl.
set URL of newDoc to podbaseurl
my submitUrl(newDoc, podbaseurl, feed_url)
# The feedvalidateorurl can be opened normally.
open location feedvalidatorurl
# Simulate interactive submission of feed_url at castfeedurl.
set newTab to make new tab in newWin
set URL of newTab to castfeedurl
my submitUrl(newTab, castfeedurl, feed_url)
end tell
on submitUrl(doc, target_url, feed_url)
# Synthesize the JavaScript command.
set jsCode to "
(function() { // Use a closure to avoid polluting the global namespace.
function doIt(t) { // Helper function
if (doIt.done) return; // Already successfully called? Ignore.
try {
// Perform the desired action - may fail if invoked too early.
if (/^http:\\/\\/podba.se/.test('" & target_url & "')) {
document.querySelector('#url-input').value = '" & feed_url & "';
document.querySelector('#url-input').dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
setTimeout(function() { document.querySelector('#go-button').click(); }, 0);
} else { // http://feedvalidator.org
} catch(e) {
return; // Return without setting the success 'flag'.
doIt.done=true; // Set success 'flag' as a property on this function object.
// Attach a listener to the window's load event for invoking the helper function then.
window.addEventListener('load', doIt);
// If the document signals readiness -- which may still be too early, we can't know --
// also try to invoke the helper function *directly*.
if (document.readyState === 'complete') { doIt(); }
# Execute the JavaScript command in the target page.
tell application "Safari"
tell doc to do JavaScript jsCode
end tell
end submitUrl
哇,太感謝你了。這一切都很好。唯一令人覺得奇怪的是,轉換驗證會在驗證並刪除所有樣式之後打破結果頁面,而不是使用ajax,並且只需粘貼Feed並按下驗證Feed按鈕即可。 – Ronc
這是一項了不起的工作,而且時間很短。我不知道我是否會想到這一切。 如果我可以讓Cast Feed上的驗證頁面正確顯示,我會被設置。也許這是JavaScript? – Ronc
@Ronc:明白了。我沒有注意風格。我想Ajax調用的結果與現有頁面結合在一起,因此交互式提交也必須在那裏進行模擬 - 請參閱我的更新。 – mklement0