自動向下的DateTimePicker在Vb.net通過各種我不得不用非常令人沮喪vb.net DateTimePicker控件,在更令人沮喪的Citrix客戶端,爲應用程序的原因。這實際上不是我的主要問題,問題是,當用戶按下任何按鈕時(除tab,escape等外),我必須使datetimepicker自動下拉。如何通過Citrix客戶端
這是我做了什麼,到目前爲止,它工作得很好之外思傑的,但是當它在思傑觸發,當用戶導航周圍的的DateTimePicker不會刷新。意思是方塊在當前日期之後,並且用戶可以按箭頭鍵來查看他們心中的內容,但它從不向用戶顯示。 (即使用戶使用鼠標砸下來。)
'Used to manually dropdown datetimepickers
Private dateTimePickerControl As DateTimePicker
Private Declare Auto Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal msg As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
Public Sub DropDownCalendar()
Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN As Int32 = &H201
Const WM_LBUTTONUP As Int32 = &H202
Dim x As Integer = Me.dateTimePickerControl.Width - 10
Dim y As Integer = CInt(Me.dateTimePickerControl.Height/2)
Dim lParam As Integer = x + y * &H10000
'click down, and show the calendar
SendMessage(Me.dateTimePickerControl.Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, CType(1, IntPtr), CType(lParam, IntPtr))
'Click-up, and activate the calendar (without this the calendar is shown, but is not active, and doesn't work as expected)
SendMessage(Me.dateTimePickerControl.Handle, WM_LBUTTONUP, CType(1, IntPtr), CType(lParam, IntPtr))
End Sub
Private Sub dteDate_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles dteDate.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Delete Then
sender.customFormat = " "
e.Handled = True
ElseIf e.KeyCode <> Keys.Tab And e.KeyCode <> Keys.ShiftKey Then
dateTimePickerControl = sender
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
我完全處於虧損狀態。 Citrix甚至有可能這樣做嗎?在之前的嘗試中,我使用了在Citrix之外運行良好的SendKeys(「{F4}」),但Citrix只會下降凍結的白色背景。
我能夠通過將DropDownCalendar調用切換到KeyPress事件而不是KeyDown事件來修復它。你的答案看起來不錯,但我不會嘗試它,因爲我剛剛把我的代碼推到了服務器上,而且我似乎只是越過了我的手指,因爲它似乎工作。 – Loogawa