2016-03-29 60 views



public class BatchTest 
    public static void main (String[] args) 
     Observable<Integer> myLeft = Observable.just (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); 
     Observable<Integer> myRight = Observable.just (1, 3, 5, 7, 9); 

     myLeft.join (
      new Func1<Integer, Observable<Integer>>() 
       public Observable<Integer> call (Integer aT) 
       return Observable.never(); 
      new Func1<Integer, Observable<Integer>>() 
       public Observable<Integer> call (Integer aT) 
       return Observable.never(); 
      new Func2<Integer, Integer, Integer[]>() 
       public Integer[] call (Integer aT1, Integer aT2) 
       return new Integer[] {aT1, aT2}; 
     .filter (new Func1<Integer[], Boolean>() 
      public Boolean call (Integer[] aT) 
       return aT[0].equals (aT[1]); 
     .subscribe (new Action1<Integer[]>() 
      public void call (Integer[] aT) 
       System.out.printf ("%d, %d\n", aT[0], aT[1]); 








import java.util.Comparator; 
import java.util.Objects; 
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; 
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; 
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; 

import rx.Observable; 
import rx.Scheduler; 
import rx.Subscriber; 
import rx.functions.Action1; 
import rx.functions.Func2; 

* This class is an operator which can be used to join two {@link Observable} streams, 
* by matching them up using a {@link Comparator}. The two streams need to be sorted 
* according to the rules of the {@link Comparator} for this to work. 
* <p> 
* If the main stream is empty this might never get invoked even if the right stream 
* has data. 
public class JoinByComparisonOperator<I, R> implements Observable.Operator<R, I> 

    private final RightSubscriber<I> subscriberRight; 

    private final Comparator<I> comparator; 

    private final Func2<I, I, Observable<R>> resultSelector; 

    * The constructor for this class. 
    * <p> 
    * @param aRight 
    *  The observable that is joined to the "right" 
    * @param aScheduler 
    *  The scheduler used to run the "right" Observable as it always needs to 
    *  run on a new thread. 
    * @param aComparator 
    *  The comparator used to compare two input values. This should follow the 
    *  same rules by which the two input streams are sorted 
    * @param aResultSelector 
    *  Function that gets two matching results and can handle them accordingly. 
    *  Note the inputs can be null in case there was no match. 
    public JoinByComparisonOperator(
     final Observable<I>    aRight, 
     final Scheduler     aScheduler, 
     final Comparator<I>    aComparator, 
     final Func2<I, I, Observable<R>> aResultSelector 
     subscriberRight = new RightSubscriber<>(); 
     comparator  = aComparator; 
     resultSelector = aResultSelector; 

     .subscribeOn (aScheduler) 
     .subscribe (subscriberRight); 

    * Creates a new subscriber that gets called and passes on any calls in turn. 
    * @param aSubscriber 
    * @return 
    * <p> 
    * @see rx.functions.Func1#call(java.lang.Object) 
    public Subscriber<? super I> call (final Subscriber<? super R> aSubscriber) 
     return new LeftSubscriber (aSubscriber); 

    * The subscriber for the "left" stream, which is the main stream we are operating 
    * on. 
    private class LeftSubscriber extends Subscriber<I> 

     final Subscriber<? super R> nextSubscriber; 

     private I nextRight; 

     public LeftSubscriber (final Subscriber<? super R> aNextSubscriber) 
     nextSubscriber = aNextSubscriber; 

     private void selectResultInternal (I aLeft, I aRight) 
     resultSelector.call (aLeft, aRight).subscribe (new Action1<R>() 
      public void call (R aInput) 
       nextSubscriber.onNext (aInput); 

     public void onCompleted() 
     if (!nextSubscriber.isUnsubscribed()) 
      while (!subscriberRight.isComplete() || nextRight != null) 
        I myNext = null; 

        if (nextRight != null) 
        myNext = nextRight; 
        nextRight = null; 
        myNext = subscriberRight.takeNext(); 

        if (myNext != null) 
        selectResultInternal (null, myNext); 
       catch (InterruptedException myException) 
        onError (myException); 


     public void onError (Throwable aE) 
     if (!nextSubscriber.isUnsubscribed()) 


     public void onNext (I aInput) 
     if (!nextSubscriber.isUnsubscribed()) 
      I myRight = null; 
      I myLeft = aInput; 

      if (subscriberRight.getError() != null) 
       nextSubscriber.onError (subscriberRight.getError()); 

      if (!subscriberRight.isComplete()) 
       int myComparison = 0; 

       do { 

        if (nextRight == null) 
         nextRight = subscriberRight.takeNext(); 
        catch (InterruptedException myException) 
         onError (myException); 

        if (nextRight != null) 
        myComparison = Objects.compare (nextRight, aInput, comparator); 

        if (myComparison < 0) 
         selectResultInternal (null, nextRight); 
         nextRight = null; 
        else if (myComparison == 0) 
         myRight  = nextRight; 
         nextRight = null; 

       } while (myComparison < 0); 

      selectResultInternal (myLeft, myRight); 

    * This class is intended to consume the "right" input stream and buffer the result 
    * so it can be retrieved when processing the main stream. 
    private class RightSubscriber<T> extends Subscriber<T> 

     private boolean complete = false; 

     private Throwable error = null; 

     private BlockingQueue<T> buffer = new ArrayBlockingQueue <> (1000); 

     public void onCompleted() 
     complete = true; 

     public void onError (Throwable aE) 
     error = aE; 

     public void onNext (T aT) 
     try { 
      buffer.put (aT); 
     catch (InterruptedException myException) { 
      error = myException; 

     public T takeNext() throws InterruptedException 
     return buffer.poll (10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 

     public boolean isComplete() 
     return complete && buffer.size() == 0; 

     public Throwable getError() 
     return error; 


import java.util.Comparator; 

import org.csi.domain.core.batch.JoinByComparisonOperator; 

import rx.Observable; 
import rx.functions.Action1; 
import rx.functions.Func2; 
import rx.schedulers.Schedulers; 

public class JoinTest 
    public static void main (String[] args) 
     final Observable<Integer> myLeft = Observable.range (1, 10000000); 
     final Observable<Integer> myRight = Observable.range (-100, 10000000); 

     .lift (new JoinByComparisonOperator <Integer, Integer[]> (
      // The stream to be joined 
      // The scheduler to use for the new stream 
      // The comparator to use to determine relative equality 
      new Comparator<Integer>() 
       public int compare (Integer aArg0, Integer aArg1) 
        return aArg0.compareTo (aArg1); 
      // The function that combines matches found. 
      new Func2<Integer, Integer, Observable<Integer[]>>() 
       public Observable<Integer[]> call (Integer aT1, Integer aT2) 
        return Observable.just (new Integer[] {aT1, aT2}); 
     // The subscriber outputs the result to the console 
     .subscribe (new Action1<Integer[]>() 
      public void call (Integer[] aT) 
       System.out.printf ("%d, %d\n", aT[0], aT[1]); 
