2016-01-16 18 views


方案1: 「some_field =(parameter_A-O-(8.869834109E-05))/(0.001 * 10)」

方案2: 「some_field =(parameter_A-(0.0005883943))/(0.001 * 10)」


方案1: 第一個數字:-0.00008869834109 第二數:0.01

方案2: 第一個數字:0.0005883943 第二數:0.01



你應該首先展示你已經試圖解決你的問題和你被困在哪裏。 – ForceBru


如何使用[正則表達式](https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html)? –


你想要的結果是一個字符串,一個'浮動'(這是一個二進制浮點數,只會近似十進制浮點數)或可能是'decimal.Decimal'?爲什麼第一個數字是負數,第二個數字是正數? – tdelaney





content = "some_field=(parameter_A-0-(8.869834109E-05))/(0.001*10)" 
content = "some_field=(parameter_A-(0.0005883943))/(0.001*10)" 
#or which way ever you give the character strings 

content = content.split('=') #split at equal sign 
if(len(content) != 2) : #check for exactly one equal sign 
    print ('something wrong in the data?') 

#in case information left of equal sign is needed 
fieldname = content[0] 

content = content[1] #now work on the part which is right of '=' 
content = content.split('/') 

values = [] 
for i in range(len(content)): 
    x = content[i] 

    pos_open = x.rfind('(') #find position of opening bracket '(', starting from right--> finds the right-most 
    pos_close = x.find(')') 
    #hence, the digits are in x[pos_open+1:pos_close] Check this by uncommenting the following line 
    #print(x[pos_open+1:pos_close] ) 

    #check whether there is a multiplication included in that part 
    if (x[pos_open+1:pos_close].find('*') < 0) : # .find() returns -1 if the character sequence is not found 
    val = float( x[pos_open+1:pos_close] ) # float() does the main work of conversion 
    pos_dot = x[pos_open+1:pos_close].find('*') 
    factor1 = float( x[pos_open+1: pos_open+1 + pos_dot] ) 
    factor2 = float( x[pos_open+1 + pos_dot+1 : pos_close]) 
    val = factor1 * factor2 

    #check for negative sign: (sorry, your examples do not show clearly how the sign is specified) 
    if (pos_open > 0 and x[pos_open - 1] == '-'): # this checks the character before the bracket 
    #Note: in case of pos_open=0, the second part x[pos_open - 1] would look at the LAST character x[-1] 
    val = -val 


print ('First: {0} Second: {1}' .format(values[0], values[1])) #standard way 
print ('First: ' + repr(values[0]) + ' Second: ' + repr(values[1])) #another standard way 

print ('First: {0:.12f} Second: {1:.7f}' .format(values[0], values[1])) # with format specified in two exemplary ways 



謝謝你的工作。我修改了一下以尋找負面的情況,我沒有清楚地描述。基本上'0-(8.869834109E-05)'表示它是負值。在第二種情況下,不存在「0-」。 – Colin