2014-02-14 147 views

我是一個嘗試將android井字遊戲應用程序放在一起的java新手。 我有下面的代碼,但不斷收到有關我在監聽器類中使用變量的錯誤。我的直覺是它可能是一個範圍問題,但我不知道如何解決它。下面是完整的代碼:mBoardButtons無法解析爲變量


package edu.harding.tictactoe; 

import android.app.Activity; 
import android.graphics.Color; 
import android.os.Bundle; 
import android.view.Menu; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.widget.Button; 
import android.widget.TextView; 

public class AndroidTicTacToeActivity extends Activity { 

    // Represents the internal state of the game 
    //a variable to make the game logic available in the Activity class - Elton. 
    private TicTacToeGame mGame; 

    // Buttons making up the board - Elton 
    private Button mBoardButtons[]; 

    // Various text displayed - Elton 
    private TextView mInfoTextView; 

    public int BOARD_SIZE = 8; 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

     mBoardButtons = new Button[BOARD_SIZE]; //cheat by creating a local variable BOARD_SIZE. 
     mBoardButtons[0] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.one); 
     mBoardButtons[1] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.two); 
     mBoardButtons[2] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.three); 
     mBoardButtons[3] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.four); 
     mBoardButtons[4] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.five); 
     mBoardButtons[5] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.six); 
     mBoardButtons[6] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.seven); 
     mBoardButtons[7] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.eight); 
     mBoardButtons[8] = (Button) findViewById(R.id.nine); 

     mInfoTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.information); 

     mGame = new TicTacToeGame(); 

     startNewGame(); //start a new game - Elton. 


    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { 
     // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. 
     getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.android_tic_tac_toe, menu); 
     return true; 

    //a method to start anew game - Elton 
// Set up the game board. 
    private void startNewGame() {  

     mGame.clearBoard(); //clear the board - Elton 

     // Reset all buttons 
     for (int i = 0; i < mBoardButtons.length; i++) { 
      mBoardButtons[i].setOnClickListener(new ButtonClickListener(i)); 

    // Human goes first 
     mInfoTextView.setText("You go first."); 

    private void setMove(char player, int location) { 

     mGame.setMove(player, location); 
     if (player == TicTacToeGame.HUMAN_PLAYER) 
      mBoardButtons[location].setTextColor(Color.rgb(0, 200, 0));    
      mBoardButtons[location].setTextColor(Color.rgb(200, 0, 0)); 


//Handles clicks on the game board buttons 
class ButtonClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { 
int location; 

public ButtonClickListener(int location) { //this is a constructor. 
    this.location = location; 

public void onClick(View view) { 
    if (mBoardButtons[location].isEnabled()) { 
      setMove(TicTacToeGame.HUMAN_PLAYER, location);    

      // If no winner yet, let the computer make a move 
      int winner = mGame.checkForWinner(); 
      if (winner == 0) { 
      mInfoTextView.setText("It's Android's turn."); 
      int move = mGame.getComputerMove(); 
      setMove(TicTacToeGame.COMPUTER_PLAYER, move); 
      winner = mGame.checkForWinner(); 

     if (winner == 0) 
      mInfoTextView.setText("It's your turn."); 
     else if (winner == 1) 
       mInfoTextView.setText("It's a tie!"); 
      else if (winner == 2) 
       mInfoTextView.setText("You won!"); 
       mInfoTextView.setText("Android won!"); 


The errors I get are: 

mBoardButtons cannot be resolved to a variable 
The method setMove(char, int) is undefined for the type ButtonClickListener 
mGame cannot be resolved 
mInfoTextView cannot be resolved 
The method setMove(char, int) is undefined for the type ButtonClickListener 

All the above errors appear in the onClick() method of the listener. 

Please help. 








謝謝您的回覆。我如何給它訪問?我認爲問題的確是我不確定ButtonClickListener類。爲什麼java中的監聽器被聲明爲類中的類。我是否以正確的方式去做? – Elton


這不是強制性的創建一個單獨的類,但你可以定義它「內聯」在這裏的例子:http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/Button.html。然後,您可以將遊戲邏輯的代碼放入方法中,並在onClick中調用它。 – fasteque