2016-12-11 33 views


CourseName   FieldONE    FieldTWO 
Chemistry   Sprint 2015   Summer 2015 (-) 
        Spring 2016   Summer 2016 (-) 
Biology    Sprint 2015   Summer 2015 (-) 
        Fall 2015   Winter 2015 (-) 
        Spring 2016   Summer 2016 (-) 
Math     Fall 2015   Winter 2015 (-) 
Physics    Fall 2015   Winter 2015 (-) 

其中CourseName是化學,生物,數學和物理(僅限於預先定義的標籤,4 max)和FieldONEFieldTWO是動態的投入,我想輸入每個不同的術語課程。


我試圖用this Gist它創建類似的動態輸入作爲metabox,到目前爲止,我得到這個:

Plugin Name: Dynamic Fields Widget 
Description: Dynamic Fields 
Version: 0.0 
Author: Rain Man 
// Creating the widget 
class dynamic_widget extends WP_Widget 
    public function __construct() 
      // Base ID of your widget 

      // Widget name will appear in UI 
      __('Dynamic Widget', 'dynamic_widget_domain'), 

      // Widget description 
      array('description' => __('Sample Dynamic Widget', 'dynamic_widget_domain')) 

// widget 
public function widget($args, $instance) 
    $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); 
// This is where you run the code and display the output 
echo __('Hello, World!', 'dynamic_widget_domain'); 
    echo $args['after_widget']; 

// form 
public function form($instance) 
    if (isset($instance[ 'title' ])) { 
     $title = $instance[ 'title' ]; 
    } else { 
     $title = __('New title', 'dynamic_widget_domain'); 
// Widget admin form 

    $repeatable_fields = array(); 
    $courses = array(
     'Chemistry' => array(
     'coursecode' => 'Chemistry 2059', 
     'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
     'Biology' => array(
     'coursecode' => 'Biology 3029', 
     'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
     'Math' => array(
     'coursecode' => 'Math 2043', 
     'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
     'Physics' => array(
     'coursecode' => 'Physics 2075', 
     'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $('#add-row').on('click', function() { 
    var row = $('.empty-row.screen-reader-text').clone(true); 
    row.removeClass('empty-row screen-reader-text'); 
    row.insertBefore('#repeatable-fieldset-one tbody>tr:last'); 
    return false; 

    $('.remove-row').on('click', function() { 
    return false; 
<?php foreach ($courses as $course_key => $course_info) { ?> 
<label><?php echo $course_info['coursecode']; ?></label> 
<table id="repeatable-fieldset-one" width="100%"> 
    <th width="40%">Fall Term</th> 
    <th width="40%">Winter Term</th> 
    <th width="8%"></th> 

if ($repeatable_fields) : 

foreach ($repeatable_fields as $field) { 
    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" value="<?php if ($field['name'] != '') { 
    echo esc_attr($field['name']); 
} ?>" /></td> 


    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="<?php if ($field['url'] != '') { 
    echo esc_attr($field['url']); 
} else { 
    echo ''; 
} ?>" /></td> 

    <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
    <td><a id="add-row" class="button" href="#">Add</a></td> 


} else : 
// show a blank one 

    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" /></td> 

    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="" /></td> 

    <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
    <td><a id="add-row" class="button" href="#">Add</a></td> 

<?php endif; ?> 
<? } ?> 

<!-- empty hidden one for jQuery --> 
<tr class="empty-row screen-reader-text"> 
    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" /></td> 

    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="" /></td> 

    <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
    <td><a id="add-row" class="button" href="#">Add</a></td> 



// update 
public function update($new_instance, $old_instance) 
    $instance = array(); 
    $instance['title'] = (!empty($new_instance['title'])) ? strip_tags($new_instance['title']) : ''; 

    return $instance; 
} // Class dynamic_widget ends here 

// Register and load the widget 
function wpb_load_widget() 
add_action('widgets_init', 'wpb_load_widget'); 


enter image description here




首先您要添加的jQuery(而不是正常),這通常是不需要在Wordpress中,並可能導致衝突頭痛 –


@TimHallman是的,這只是爲了測試,JavaScript沒有工作,所以我測試它通過添加一個jQuery庫。 –


嗨@RainMan你需要這個小部件在前端右側可見?並且這些字段應該收集用戶的數據並且可以被管理員用戶訪問,更正? –



我不想使用任何額外的插件 –


@RainMan雖然我明白需要避免額外的插件,高級自定義字段是一個非常好,積極維護和一般偉大的插件。如果你想寫自定義字段,這是做到這一點的方法。它會減少創建新字段的時間和噸數,這對於自己來說通常是一種痛苦,而且對於我的目的而言,這對我所做的每個WordPress項目都是絕對必要的。我基本上拒絕沒有ACF的WordPress。 pro版本的開發許可證是一次性費用。通過避免使用這個插件,你會在腳下射擊自己。 – dave

     Plugin Name: Dynamic Fields Widget 
     Description: Dynamic Fields 
     Version: 0.0 
     Author: Rain Man 
     // Creating the widget 
     class dynamic_widget extends WP_Widget 
      public function __construct() 
        'dynamic_widget', __('Dynamic Widget', 'dynamic_widget_domain'), 
        array('description' => __('Sample Dynamic Widget', 'dynamic_widget_domain')) 

     // widget 
     public function widget($args, $instance) 
      $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); 
      // This is where you run the code and display the output 
      echo __('Hello, World!', 'dynamic_widget_domain'); 
      echo $args['after_widget']; 

     // form 
     public function form($instance) 
      if (isset($instance[ 'title' ])) { 
       $title = $instance[ 'title' ]; 
      } else { 
       $title = __('New title', 'dynamic_widget_domain'); 
     // Widget admin form 

      $repeatable_fields = array(); 
      $courses = array(
       'Chemistry' => array(
       'coursecode' => 'Chemistry 2059', 
       'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
       'id' => 'test1', 
       'Biology' => array(
       'coursecode' => 'Biology 3029', 
       'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
        'id' => 'test2', 
       'Math' => array(
       'coursecode' => 'Math 2043', 
        'id' => 'test3', 
       'Physics' => array(
       'coursecode' => 'Physics 2075', 
       'id' => 'test4', 

     foreach ($courses as $course_key => $course_info) { 
      echo $Inc; 
     <label><?php echo $course_info['coursecode']; ?></label> 
     <table id="repeatable-fieldset-<?php echo $course_info['id']; ?>" width="100%" class="tableclass"> 
      <th width="40%">Fall Term</th> 
      <th width="40%">Winter Term</th> 
      <th width="8%"></th> 

      if ($repeatable_fields): 

       foreach ($repeatable_fields as $field) {  ?> 
         <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" value="<?php if ($field['name'] != '') { echo esc_attr($field['name']);} ?>" /></td> 
         <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="<?php if ($field['url'] != '') { echo esc_attr($field['url']); } else { echo ''; } ?>" /></td> 
         <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
         <td><a id="add-row" class="button addrowbtn" href="#">Add</a></td> 
       <?php } 

     // show a blank one 

      <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" /></td> 
      <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="" /></td> 
      <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
      <td><a id="add-row" class="button addrowbtn" href="#">Add</a></td> 
     <tr class="tablerowclone"> 
      <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" /></td> 
      <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="" /></td> 
      <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
      <td><a id="add-row" class="button addrowbtn" href="#">Add</a></td> 

     <?php endif; } ?> 
     <? $Inc++; } ?> 



     <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> 

     <script type="text/javascript"> 
      jQuery(document).off().on('click',' .addrowbtn', function(event) { 
      var row = jQuery(this).closest(".tableclass").find("tr:last").clone(); 

      //row.insertBefore('#repeatable-fieldset-one tbody>tr:last'); 
      row.insertBefore(jQuery(this).closest(".tableclass").find("tbody tr.tablerowclone")); 
      return false; 

      jQuery(document).on('click', '.remove-row' , function() { 
      var RowLenth = jQuery(this).closest("tbody").children().length; 

      return false; 


    public function update($new_instance, $old_instance){ 
     $instance = array(); 
     $instance['title'] = (!empty($new_instance['title'])) ? strip_tags($new_instance['title']) : ''; 

     return $instance; 

function wpb_load_widget() 
add_action('widgets_init', 'wpb_load_widget'); 




你好,問題不只是JavaScript添加一個新的行,但如何存儲特定標籤的數據,也沒有運行你的代碼,你確定這是你改變的唯一行嗎? –


您可以保存序列化的數據。保持隱藏的關鍵。 – vel


你提到這是'第一個JavaScript'添加「按鈕不再有效' – vel



     Plugin Name: Dynamic Fields Widget 
     Description: Dynamic Fields 
     Version: 0.0 
     Author: Rain Man 
     // Creating the widget 
     class dynamic_widget extends WP_Widget 
      public function __construct() 
        'dynamic_widget', __('Dynamic Widget', 'dynamic_widget_domain'), 
        array('description' => __('Sample Dynamic Widget', 'dynamic_widget_domain')) 

     // widget 
     public function widget($args, $instance) 
      $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); 
      // This is where you run the code and display the output 
      echo __('Hello, World!', 'dynamic_widget_domain'); 
      echo $args['after_widget']; 

     // form 
     public function form($instance) 
      if (isset($instance[ 'title' ])) { 
       $title = $instance[ 'title' ]; 
      } else { 
       $title = __('New title', 'dynamic_widget_domain'); 
     // Widget admin form 

      $repeatable_fields = array(); 
      $courses = array(
       'Chemistry' => array(
       'coursecode' => 'Chemistry 2059', 
       'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
       'id' => 'test1', 
       'Biology' => array(
       'coursecode' => 'Biology 3029', 
       'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
        'id' => 'test2', 
       'Math' => array(
       'coursecode' => 'Math 2043', 
        'id' => 'test3', 
       'Physics' => array(
       'coursecode' => 'Physics 2075', 
       'id' => 'test4', 

     foreach ($courses as $course_key => $course_info) { 
      echo $Inc; 
     <label><?php echo $course_info['coursecode']; ?></label> 
     <table id="repeatable-fieldset-<?php echo $course_info['id']; ?>" width="100%" class="tableclass"> 
      <th width="40%">Fall Term</th> 
      <th width="40%">Winter Term</th> 
      <th width="8%"></th> 

      if ($repeatable_fields): 

       foreach ($repeatable_fields as $field) {  ?> 
         <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" value="<?php if ($field['name'] != '') { echo esc_attr($field['name']);} ?>" /></td> 
         <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="<?php if ($field['url'] != '') { echo esc_attr($field['url']); } else { echo ''; } ?>" /></td> 
         <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
         <td><a id="add-row" class="button addrowbtn" href="#">Add</a></td> 
       <?php } 

     // show a blank one 

      <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" /></td> 
      <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="" /></td> 
      <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
      <td><a id="add-row" class="button addrowbtn" href="#">Add</a></td> 
     <tr class="tablerowclone"> 
      <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="name[]" /></td> 
      <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="url[]" value="" /></td> 
      <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
      <td><a id="add-row" class="button addrowbtn" href="#">Add</a></td> 

     <?php endif; } ?> 
     <? $Inc++; } ?> 



     <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> 

     <script type="text/javascript"> 
      jQuery(document).off().on('click',' .addrowbtn', function(event) { 
      var row = jQuery(this).closest(".tableclass").find("tr:last").clone(); 

      //row.insertBefore('#repeatable-fieldset-one tbody>tr:last'); 
      row.insertBefore(jQuery(this).closest(".tableclass").find("tbody tr.tablerowclone")); 
      return false; 

      jQuery(document).on('click', '.remove-row' , function() { 
      var RowLenth = jQuery(this).closest("tbody").children().length; 

      return false; 


    public function update($new_instance, $old_instance){ 
     $instance = array(); 
     $instance['title'] = (!empty($new_instance['title'])) ? strip_tags($new_instance['title']) : ''; 

     return $instance; 

function wpb_load_widget() 
add_action('widgets_init', 'wpb_load_widget'); 

試試這個代碼,我測試了它,它的工作原理。 js代碼需要插入頁腳而不是插件中,否則點擊按鈕將被執行兩次。


Plugin Name: Dynamic Fields Widget 
Description: Dynamic Fields 
Version: 0.0 
Author: Rain Man 
// Creating the widget 
class dynamic_widget extends WP_Widget 
    public $courses; 
    public function __construct() 
      // Base ID of your widget 

      // Widget name will appear in UI 
      __('Dynamic Widget', 'dynamic_widget_domain'), 

      // Widget description 
      array('description' => __('Sample Dynamic Widget', 'dynamic_widget_domain')) 
     $this->courses = array(
      'Chemistry' => array(
      'coursecode' => 'Chemistry 2059', 
      'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
      'Biology' => array(
      'coursecode' => 'Biology 3029', 
      'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
      'Math' => array(
      'coursecode' => 'Math 2043', 
      'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
      'Physics' => array(
      'coursecode' => 'Physics 2075', 
      'professor' => 'Dr. James Bond', 
    public function jsfooter() { 
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
     $(document).off('click').on('click','div.open .add-row' , function() { 

     var row = $(this).closest('tr').clone(true); 
     // row.insertBefore('#repeatable-fieldset-one tbody>tr:last'); 

     return false; 

     $(document).on('click', 'div.open .remove-row',function() { 
      if ($(this).parents('tbody').find('tr').length >1) { 
     return false; 

// widget 
public function widget($args, $instance) 
    $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); 
// This is where you run the code and display the output 
    foreach ($this->courses as $course_key => $course_info) { 
     echo $course_info['coursecode'] .'<br>'; 
     foreach ($instance['repeat'][$course_key ]["fall"] as $k=>$field) { 
      echo 'Fall Term ' . $field .'/'; 
      echo 'Winter Term ' . $instance['repeat'][$course_key ]["winter"][$k] .'<br>'; 

    echo $args['after_widget']; 

// form 
public function form($instance) 
    if (isset($instance[ 'title' ])) { 
     $title = $instance[ 'title' ]; 
    } else { 
     $title = __('New title', 'dynamic_widget_domain'); 
// Widget admin form 
    $repeatable_fields= isset ($instance['repeat']) ? $instance['repeat'] : array(); 

<?php foreach ($this->courses as $course_key => $course_info) { ?> 
<label><?php echo $course_info['coursecode']; ?></label> 
<table id="repeatable-fieldset-one" width="100%"> 
    <th width="40%">Fall Term</th> 
    <th width="40%">Winter Term</th> 
    <th width="8%"></th> 
    <th width="8%"></th> 

if ($repeatable_fields[$course_key ]["fall"] || $repeatable_fields[$course_key ]["winter"]) : 
foreach ($repeatable_fields[$course_key ]["fall"] as $k=>$field) { 
    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('repeat')?>[<?php echo $course_key;?>][fall][]" value="<?php echo $field; ?>" /></td> 

    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('repeat')?>[<?php echo $course_key;?>][winter][]" value="<?php echo $repeatable_fields[$course_key ]["winter"][$k]; ?>" /></td> 

    <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
    <td><a class="button add-row" class="button" href="#">Add</a></td> 

} else : 
// show a blank one 

    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('repeat')?>[<?php echo $course_key;?>][fall][]" /></td> 

    <td><input type="text" class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('repeat')?>[<?php echo $course_key;?>][winter][]" value="" /></td> 

    <td><a class="button remove-row" href="#">Remove</a></td> 
    <td><a class="button add-row" class="button" href="#">Add</a></td> 

<?php endif; ?> 
<?php } ?> 

<!-- empty hidden one for jQuery --> 



// update 
public function update($new_instance, $old_instance) 
    $instance = array(); 
    $instance['title'] = (!empty($new_instance['title'])) ? strip_tags($new_instance['title']) : ''; 
    $instance['repeat'] = array(); 

    if (isset ($new_instance['repeat'])) 
     foreach ($new_instance['repeat'] as $k =>$value) 
       $instance['repeat'][$k] = $value; 

    return $instance; 
} // Class dynamic_widget ends here 

// Register and load the widget 
function wpb_load_widget() 
add_action('widgets_init', 'wpb_load_widget'); 


array (size=4) 
    'Chemistry' => 
    array (size=2) 
     'fall' => 
     array (size=1) 
      0 => string 'AAA' (length=3) 
     'winter' => 
     array (size=1) 
      0 => string 'BBBBBBB' (length=7) 
    'Biology' => 
    array (size=2) 
     'fall' => 
     array (size=2) 
      0 => string 'CCCCCC' (length=6) 
      1 => string 'EEEEEEE' (length=7) 
     'winter' => 
     array (size=2) 
      0 => string 'DDDD' (length=4) 
      1 => string 'FFFFFFFF' (length=8) 
    'Math' => 
    array (size=2) 
     'fall' => 
     array (size=1) 
      0 => string 'GGGGGGG' (length=7) 
     'winter' => 
     array (size=1) 
      0 => string 'HHHHHH' (length=6) 
    'Physics' => 
    array (size=2) 
     'fall' => 
     array (size=1) 
      0 => string 'IIIIIIIII' (length=9) 
     'winter' => 
     array (size=1) 
      0 => string 'JJJJJJJJ' (length=8) 

upvoted。好東西! – vel