2014-05-01 120 views

客戶想顯示他們總共在他們的商店有產品量的,我已經使用這個代碼Woocommerce - 只顯示產品庫存


$numposts = (int) $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'product' AND post_status = 'publish'"); 



計算所有股票的產品,你必須加入其他表'wp_postmeta'與現場'_sale_price'這是greator比'0' –


對不起,你需要跟我說話像個孩子,我該怎麼辦去做? – user3593556


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20990199/woocommerce-display-only-on-sale-products-in-shop –



嘗試使用_stock_status meta_key加入post_meta表,其中meta_value是'instock'。建議緩存數據,因爲您不希望在每個請求上運行此操作,但需要平衡適當的時間量以緩存數據(因爲高速緩存期內的銷售額不會反映在庫內總數中)。僅在使用緩存時纔有效(由於查詢次數,WooCommerce強烈建議使用緩存)。

global $wpdb; 
// cache key 
$key = 'in_stock_products'; 
// we get back 'false' if there is nothing in the cache, otherwise 0+ 
$in_stock_products = wp_cache_get($key); 
// run the query if we didn't get it from the cache 
if (false === $in_stock_products){ 
    // create the SQL query (HEREDOC format) 
    $sql_query = <<<SQL 
    SELECT COUNT(p.ID) AS in_stock_products 
    FROM {$wpdb->posts} p 
    JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} pm 
     ON p.ID = pm.post_id 
     AND pm.meta_key = '_stock_status' 
     AND pm.meta_value = 'instock' 
    WHERE p.post_type = 'product' AND p.post_status = 'publish' 
    // query the database 
    $in_stock_products = (int) $wpdb->get_var($sql_query); 
    // cache the results, choosing an appropriate amount of time to cache results 
    $cache_ttl = 0; // 0 is "as long as possible", otherwise cache time in seconds 
    wp_cache_add($key, $in_stock_products, $cache_ttl); // cache as long as possible 
// $in_stock_products now has the value either from the cache or the database query. 
echo "There are $in_stock_products in stock"; 

太棒了!我建議使用'wp_cache_get()'和'wp_cache_add()'作爲這個值,所以你不要對每個請求運行SQL查詢。 – doublesharp


抱歉原諒我的無知,但你怎麼做到這一點? – user3593556
