2017-04-04 92 views


def total_capital(df_balance): 
    total_capital = [] 
    for i in range(0,5): 
     cap = df_balance.ix[5,i] 
    total_capital = [float(x) for x in total_capital] 
    print('Total Capital is :') 
    net_income = [] 
    for i in range(0,5): 
     net = df_income.ix[-1,i] 
    print('Net Income is:') 
    net_income = [float(x) for x in net_income] 
    a = len(total_capital) 
    b = len(net_income) 
    roc = [] 
    for i in range(0,b): 
     for j in range(0,a): 
      ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[j] 



Total Capital is : 
[367560073.0, 306315566.0, 279233089.0, 272576179.0, 236272903.0] 
Net Income is: 
[28324711.0, 12887235.0, 6728637.0, 2620339.0, -9393534.0] 
roc is: 
[0.11988133484777981, 0.054543855162265474, 0.028478242382284524, 0.011090306872811396, -0.03975713626373821] 



28324711.0/367560073.0 = 0.0770614467692741 





我可能失去了一些東西,但首先你確定,但你一直覆蓋'ret'然後將其添加到'roc' – steveb


for i in range(0,b): 
    for j in range(0,a): 
     ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[j] 

這看起來不正確。通過兩個循環,您將第一個淨收入除以第一個總資本,然後將第一個淨收入除以第二個總資本,以此類推,將每個可能的淨收入除以每個可能的總資本。但是大部分結果都被丟棄了。唯一一次追加到ret的是j等於a-1。所以你實際上只有最終的總資本。 28324711.0/236272903.0等於0.11988133484777981,所以這解釋了你的輸出。


for i in range(0,b): 
    ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[i] 


for x,y in zip(net_income, total_capital): 


roc = [x/y for x,y in zip(net_income, total_capital)] 


total_capital = [367560073.0, 306315566.0, 279233089.0, 272576179.0, 236272903.0] 
net_income = [28324711.0, 12887235.0, 6728637.0, 2620339.0, -9393534.0] 
a = len(total_capital) 
b = len(net_income) 
roc = [] 
for i in range(0,b): 
    for j in range(0,a): 
     print("calculating ret as the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,j)) 
     ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[j] 
    print("appending to roc the value of the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,j)) 


calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 0th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 1th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 2th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 3th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital 

你可以看到,唯一的一次什麼是不斷追加到roc,它使用4總資本。 roc附加值中沒有其他總資本值。


total_capital = [367560073.0, 306315566.0, 279233089.0, 272576179.0, 236272903.0] 
net_income = [28324711.0, 12887235.0, 6728637.0, 2620339.0, -9393534.0] 
a = len(total_capital) 
b = len(net_income) 
roc = [] 
for i in range(0,b): 
    print("calculating ret as the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,i)) 
    ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[i] 
    print("appending to roc the value of the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,i)) 


calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital 



嘗試的第一個解決方案完美地工作。感謝您指出錯誤。 –