Option Explicit
Sub XMLMethod()
Dim XMLString As String
Dim XMLDoc As Object
Dim boolValue As Boolean
Dim xmlDocEl As Object
Dim xMeContext As Object
Dim xChild As Object
Dim xorder As Object
XMLString = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
'Remove xa: in this example
'reason : "Reference to undeclared namespace prefix: 'xa'."
'Shouldn't need to do this if full XML is well formed containing correct namespace
XMLString = Replace(XMLString, "xa:", vbNullString)
Set XMLDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
'XMLDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xa:"
'XMLDoc.Load = "C:\Users\ooo\Desktop\test.xml" 'load from file
boolValue = XMLDoc.LoadXML(XMLString) 'load from string
Set xmlDocEl = XMLDoc.DocumentElement
Set xMeContext = xmlDocEl.SelectSingleNode("//MeContext")
Debug.Print Split(xMeContext.XML, """")(1)
For Each xChild In xmlDocEl.ChildNodes
If xChild.NodeName = "Orders" Then
For Each xorder In xChild.ChildNodes
Debug.Print Split(xorder.XML, """")(1)
Debug.Print xorder.Text
Next xorder
ElseIf xChild.Text = "" Then
Debug.Print Split(xChild.XML, """")(1)
Debug.Print xChild.Text
End If
Next xChild
'New York
'MP3 Player
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub RegexMethod()
Dim XMLString As String
Dim oRegex As Object
Dim regexArr As Object
Dim rItem As Object
'Assumes Sheet1.Range("A1").Value holds example XMLString
XMLString = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
Set oRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With oRegex
.Global = True
.Pattern = "(id=""|>)(.+?)(""|</)"
Set regexArr = .Execute(XMLString)
'No lookbehind so replace unwanted chars
.Pattern = "(id=""|>|""|</)"
For Each rItem In regexArr
'Change Debug.Print to fill an array to write to Excel
Debug.Print .Replace(rItem, vbNullString)
Next rItem
End With
'New York
'MP3 Player
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub RegexMethod()
Dim XMLString As String
Dim oRegex As Object
Dim regexArr As Object
Dim rItem As Object
Dim writeArray(1 To 1, 1 To 10) As Variant
Dim col As Long
'Assumes Sheet1.Range("A1").Value holds example XMLString
XMLString = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
Set oRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With oRegex
.Global = True
.Pattern = "(id=""|>)(.+?)(""|</)"
Set regexArr = .Execute(XMLString)
'No lookbehind so replace unwanted chars
.Pattern = "(id=""|>|""|</)"
For Each rItem In regexArr
'Change Debug.Print to fill an array to write to Excel
Debug.Print .Replace(rItem, vbNullString)
col = col + 1
writeArray(1, col) = .Replace(rItem, vbNullString)
Next rItem
End With
Sheet1.Range("A5:J5").Value = writeArray
End Sub
Sub XMLMethod()
Dim XMLString As String
Dim XMLDoc As Object
Dim boolValue As Boolean
Dim xmlDocEl As Object
Dim xMeContext As Object
Dim xChild As Object
Dim xorder As Object
Dim writeArray(1 To 1, 1 To 10) As Variant
Dim col As Long
XMLString = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
'Remove xa: in this example
'reason : "Reference to undeclared namespace prefix: 'xa'."
'Shouldn't need to do this if full XML is well formed
XMLString = Replace(XMLString, "xa:", vbNullString)
Set XMLDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
'XMLDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xa:"
'XMLDoc.Load = "C:\Users\ooo\Desktop\test.xml" 'load from file
boolValue = XMLDoc.LoadXML(XMLString) 'load from string
Set xmlDocEl = XMLDoc.DocumentElement
Set xMeContext = xmlDocEl.SelectSingleNode("//MeContext")
'Debug.Print Split(xMeContext.XML, """")(1)
col = col + 1
writeArray(1, col) = Split(xMeContext.XML, """")(1)
For Each xChild In xmlDocEl.ChildNodes
If xChild.NodeName = "Orders" Then
For Each xorder In xChild.ChildNodes
col = col + 1
'Debug.Print Split(xorder.XML, """")(1)
writeArray(1, col) = Split(xorder.XML, """")(1)
col = col + 1
'Debug.Print xorder.Text
writeArray(1, col) = xorder.Text
Next xorder
ElseIf xChild.Text = "" Then
col = col + 1
'Debug.Print Split(xChild.XML, """")(1)
writeArray(1, col) = Split(xChild.XML, """")(1)
col = col + 1
'debug.Print xChild.Text
writeArray(1, col) = xChild.Text
End If
Next xChild
Sheet1.Range("A5:J5").Value = writeArray
End Sub
XML是不能很好地形成。 ''節點都沒有結束標記。它應該是:''? –
另外,我假設''上的命名空間是一個錯字,但開始標記有'xa',結束標記有'xn' –
您是對的。爲了清晰起見,我刪除了結束標籤。請讓我知道你是否可以幫忙。 – user1714065