2013-10-25 101 views


on run {input, parameters} 

    set picFolder to alias "Users:colind:Dropbox:Camera Uploads:" 
    set screenshotFolder to alias "Users:colind:Dropbox:Camera Uploads:Screenshots:" 

    tell application "System Events" 
     set photos to path of files of picFolder whose kind is "Portable Network Graphics image" 
    end tell 

    set screenshots to {} 
    repeat with imgPath in photos 
     set imgAlias to alias imgPath 
     tell application "Image Events" 
      set img to open imgPath 
      if dimensions of img = {640, 1136} then 
       set end of screenshots to imgAlias 
      end if 
      close img 
     end tell 
    end repeat 

    tell application "Finder" 
     move screenshots to screenshotFolder 
    end tell 

    return input 
end run 




if ((dimensions of img = {640, 1136}) or (dimensions of img = {640, 960}) or (dimensions of img = {1024, 768})) then