2013-08-16 22 views



public class GrahamScan 
     public static List<CoordinatesD> Scan(List<CoordinatesD> coordinateslist) 

       int coordinatesize = coordinateslist.Count; 
       CoordinatesD[] coordinatesarray = new CoordinatesD[coordinatesize]; 
       for (int i = 0; i < coordinatesize; i++) 
        coordinatesarray[i] = coordinateslist[i]; 

       //swap points[1] with the point with the lowest y-coordinate; 
       int lowestyindex = LowestY(coordinatesarray); 
       Swap(coordinatesarray[0], coordinatesarray[lowestyindex]); 

       //sort points by polar angle with points[1]; 
       coordinatesarray = SortByPolarAngle(coordinatesarray[0], coordinateslist); 

       // We want points[0] to be a sentinel point that will stop the loop. 
       coordinatesarray[0] = coordinatesarray[coordinatesize]; 

       // M will denote the number of points on the convex hull. 
       int numpointsonhull = 1; 
       for (int i = 2; i < coordinatesize; i++) 
        // Find next valid point on convex hull. 
        while(CCW(coordinatesarray[numpointsonhull-1], coordinatesarray[numpointsonhull], coordinatesarray[i]) <= 0) 
          if(numpointsonhull > 1) 
            numpointsonhull -= 1; 
          // All points are collinear 
          else if (i == coordinatesize) 
            i += 1; 

        // Update M and swap points[i] to the correct place. 
        numpointsonhull += 1; 
        Swap(coordinatesarray[numpointsonhull], coordinatesarray[i]); 

      List<CoordinatesD> pointsonhulllist = new List<CoordinatesD>(); 

      for (int i = 0; i < numpointsonhull; i++) 


      return pointsonhulllist; 


     /// <summary> 
     /// Swaps two points. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="p1"></param> 
     /// <param name="p2"></param> 
     private static void Swap(CoordinatesD p1, CoordinatesD p2) 
      CoordinatesD temp = p1; 
      p1 = p2; 
      p2 = temp; 


     /// <summary> 
     /// Attempts to Sort by Polar Angle, with respect to p1. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="p1"></param> 
     /// <param name="points"></param> 
     /// <returns></returns> 
     private static CoordinatesD[] SortByPolarAngle(CoordinatesD p1, List<CoordinatesD> points) 

      CoordinatesD[] sortedpoints = new CoordinatesD[points.Count]; 
      int sortedpointiterator = 0; 

       int current = 0; 
       for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) 
        if (p1.PolarAngle - points[i].PolarAngle < p1.PolarAngle - points[current].PolarAngle) 
         current = i; 


       sortedpoints[sortedpointiterator] = points[current]; 

       if (points.Count == 0) 

      return sortedpoints; 
     /// <summary> 
     /// Finds the index of the CoordinateD with the lowest Y. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="coords"></param> 
     /// <returns></returns> 
     private static int LowestY(CoordinatesD[] coords) 
      int index = 0; 
      for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++) 
       if(coords[i].Y < coords[index].Y) 
        index = i; 
      return index; 

     // Three points are a counter-clockwise turn if ccw > 0, clockwise if 
     // ccw < 0, and collinear if ccw = 0 because ccw is a determinant that 
     // gives the signed area of the triangle formed by p1, p2 and p3. 
     private static double CCW(CoordinatesD p1, CoordinatesD p2, CoordinatesD p3) 
      return (p2.X - p1.X) * (p3.Y - p1.Y) - (p2.Y - p1.Y) * (p3.X - p1.X); 


public class CoordinatesD : iCoordinates 
     private double latitude = 0.0; 
     private double longitude = 0.0; 

     public enum ServiceType { Google = 0, Bing = 1 }; 

     public double Latitude 
      get { return latitude; } 

     public double Longitude 
      get { return longitude; } 

     public double X 
      get { return longitude; } 

     public double Y 
      get { return latitude; } 

     public double PolarAngle { get { return CalculatePolarAngle(); } } 

     public CoordinatesD(double latitude, double longitude) 
      this.latitude = latitude; 
      this.longitude = longitude; 

     private double CalculatePolarAngle() 

      double polarangle = Math.Atan(latitude/longitude); 
      if (polarangle > 0.0) 
       return polarangle; 
      return polarangle + Math.PI; 


     public CoordinatesD Change(double changelat, double changelong) 

      CoordinatesD newCoordinates = new CoordinatesD(this.latitude + changelat, this.longitude + changelong); 

      return newCoordinates; 


     public string ToJScriptString(ServiceType service) 

      string jscriptstring = string.Empty; 

      switch (service) 
       case ServiceType.Bing: 
        jscriptstring = String.Format("new Microsoft.Maps.Location({0},{1})", this.latitude.ToString(), this.longitude.ToString()); 
       case ServiceType.Google: 
        jscriptstring = String.Format("new google.maps.LatLng({0},{1})", this.latitude.ToString(), this.longitude.ToString()); 

      return jscriptstring; 


代碼喜歡爆炸,主要是因爲我讀過一打僞實現,都不同的,沒有任何解釋過於充分的東西。我得到了一個數組越界的錯誤,我甚至不知道應該是座標系,座標系+1還是座標系-1,或座標系+ killme->原來是'N'或'N +1「,但正如你所看到的,我正在慢慢失去對這種翻譯的想法。


你能告訴我它在哪裏爆炸嗎? – doctorlove


您是否嘗試過[this](http://my-bsc-thesis.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/KinectFingerDetection/KinectControl.Core/Detection/GrahamScan.cs)? –


目前它在'coordinatesarray [0] = coordinatesarray [coordinatesize];'上爆炸行索引超出範圍異常(它應該,因爲它顯然訪問數組外)。我遇到的問題的一部分是翻譯此代碼:「讓N =點數」和「讓點[N + 1] =點數組......」就像他們使用的是基於0的數據,然後是1有時索引。 – user978122



這個問題很可能已經死了,但它出現在StackOverflow的「相關」問題中,因爲我在這裏添加了Graham掃描的c#實現:Graham scan issue at high amount of points。維基百科算法確實存在一些錯誤,如果點之間存在共線並且出現最小點。