2014-01-24 70 views

我試圖從TFS 2010升級到TFS 2013. 更新進行得順利,現在唯一的問題是當我嘗試配置它爲我提供的Web訪問功能時跟隨錯誤。遷移到TFS 2013的過程模板更新錯誤

[Warning] TF400609: Cannot add the action 'Microsoft.VSTS.Actions.StartWork' to the work  item type 'Task' because the state 'New' does not exist. 

[Warning] TF400609: Cannot add the action 'Microsoft.VSTS.Actions.StopWork' to the work item type 'Task' because the state 'New' does not exist. 

[Error] TF400654: Unable to configure Planning Tools. The following element contains an error: BugWorkItems/BugWorkItems. TF400506: This element defines the states for work items that represent Bugs or Defects. Each state must exist in at least one of the work item types that are defined in: BugWorkItems. The following states do not exist in any of the work item types: Active. 

[Error] TF400654: Unable to configure Planning Tools. The following element contains an error: BugWorkItems/BugWorkItems. TF400507: Each work item type must support an initial state value that matches one of the states defined in: BugWorkItems. The following work item types have initial states that do not include any states defined in the bug state configuration: Bug. 

由於我之前的流程模板是自定義的,我知道我需要在此處做同樣的事情並更新新的流程模板。由於我沒有Visual Studio Professional許可證,因此我沒有流程模板編輯器。所以我繼續並手動更改模板。

基本上在任務項目中,我將狀態'Active'重命名爲'New',並且在Bug Item中我將'Active'重命名爲'Initiated',這在我的項目中使用。


