2015-06-09 57 views


state year size income 
1 1978 1 1000 
1 1978 1.5 100 
1 1978 2 5000 
1 1979 1 3779.736 
1 1979 1.5 3779.736 
1 1979 2 4878.414 
1 1980 1 4290 
1 1980 1.5 4290 
1 1980 2 5537 
1 1981 1 4729 
1 1981 2 6111 
2 1978 1 1000 
2 1978 1.5 100 
2 1978 2 5000 
2 1979 1 1000 
2 1979 1.5 2000 
2 1979 2 3000 
2 1980 1 2000 
2 1980 1.5 3000 
2 1980 2 1000 
2 1981 1 4000 
2 1981 2 5000 

gen income1=income 
replace income1=3779.736 if size==1 & year>1979 & state==1 
replace income1=3778.736 if size==1.5 & year >1979 & year!=1981 & state==1 
replace income1=4878.41 if size=2 & year>1979 & state==1 



state year size income 
1 1978 1 1000 
1 1978 1.5 100 
1 1978 2 5000 
1 1979 1 3779.736 
1 1979 1.5 3779.736 
1 1979 2 4878.414 
1 1980 1 3779.736 
1 1980 1.5 3779.736 
1 1980 2 4878.414 
1 1981 1 3779.736 
1 1981 2 4878.414 
2 1978 1 1000 
2 1978 1.5 100 
2 1978 2 5000 
2 1979 1 1000 
2 1979 1.5 2000 
2 1979 2 3000 
2 1980 1 1000 
2 1980 1.5 2000 
2 1980 2 3000 
2 1981 1 1000 
2 1981 2 3000 


gen inc1=income 
    local yr 1979 1980 1981 
    local mult 3 6 9 
    local n: word count `mult' 
    forvalues i=1/`n'{ 
    local a: word `i' of `yr' 
    local b: word `i' of `mult' 
bys state (year size): replace inc1=income[_n-`b'] if year>`a' 




set more off 

input /// 
state year size income 
1 1978 1 1000 
1 1978 1.5 100 
1 1978 2 5000 
1 1979 1 3779.736 
1 1979 1.5 3779.736 
1 1979 2 4878.414 
1 1980 1 4290 
1 1980 1.5 4290 
1 1980 2 5537 
1 1981 1 4729 
1 1981 2 6111 
2 1978 1 1000 
2 1978 1.5 100 
2 1978 2 5000 
2 1979 1 1000 
2 1979 1.5 2000 
2 1979 2 3000 
2 1980 1 2000 
2 1980 1.5 3000 
2 1980 2 1000 
2 1981 1 4000 
2 1981 2 5000 

list, sepby(state) 

*----- what you want ----- 

bysort state size : egen inc2 = total(income * (year == 1979)) 

clonevar inc3 = income 
replace inc3 = inc2 if year >= 1980 

sort state year size 
list, sepby(state) 

完美。謝謝羅伯託。 – user227710



. input year size income 

      year  size  income 
    1. 1978 1 1000 
    2. 1978 2 2000 
    3. 1978 3 3000 
    4. 1979 1 1001 
    5. 1979 2 2001 
    6. 1979 3 3001 
    7. 1980 1 1002 
    8. 1980 2 2002 
    9. 1980 3 3002 
10. end 

. generate i79 = 0 

. replace i79 = income if year==1979 
(3 real changes made) 

. egen repinc = max(i79), by(size) 

. generate newincome = income 

. replace newincome = repinc if year==1980 
(3 real changes made) 

. list, clean noobs 

    year size income i79 repinc newinc~e 
    1978  1  1000  0  1001  1000 
    1978  2  2000  0  2001  2000 
    1978  3  3000  0  3001  3000 
    1979  1  1001 1001  1001  1001 
    1979  2  2001 2001  2001  2001 
    1979  3  3001 3001  3001  3001 
    1980  1  1002  0  1001  1001 
    1980  2  2002  0  2001  2001 
    1980  3  3002  0  3001  3001 


感謝威廉。但是,您的輸入樣本與我的不同。正如你所看到的,我也有狀態,並且尺寸的數量也與1980年和1981年不同。 – user227710