state year size income
1 1978 1 1000
1 1978 1.5 100
1 1978 2 5000
1 1979 1 3779.736
1 1979 1.5 3779.736
1 1979 2 4878.414
1 1980 1 4290
1 1980 1.5 4290
1 1980 2 5537
1 1981 1 4729
1 1981 2 6111
2 1978 1 1000
2 1978 1.5 100
2 1978 2 5000
2 1979 1 1000
2 1979 1.5 2000
2 1979 2 3000
2 1980 1 2000
2 1980 1.5 3000
2 1980 2 1000
2 1981 1 4000
2 1981 2 5000
gen income1=income
replace income1=3779.736 if size==1 & year>1979 & state==1
replace income1=3778.736 if size==1.5 & year >1979 & year!=1981 & state==1
replace income1=4878.41 if size=2 & year>1979 & state==1
state year size income
1 1978 1 1000
1 1978 1.5 100
1 1978 2 5000
1 1979 1 3779.736
1 1979 1.5 3779.736
1 1979 2 4878.414
1 1980 1 3779.736
1 1980 1.5 3779.736
1 1980 2 4878.414
1 1981 1 3779.736
1 1981 2 4878.414
2 1978 1 1000
2 1978 1.5 100
2 1978 2 5000
2 1979 1 1000
2 1979 1.5 2000
2 1979 2 3000
2 1980 1 1000
2 1980 1.5 2000
2 1980 2 3000
2 1981 1 1000
2 1981 2 3000
gen inc1=income
local yr 1979 1980 1981
local mult 3 6 9
local n: word count `mult'
forvalues i=1/`n'{
local a: word `i' of `yr'
local b: word `i' of `mult'
bys state (year size): replace inc1=income[_n-`b'] if year>`a'
完美。謝謝羅伯託。 – user227710