2014-12-04 89 views



public class EventFragment extends Fragment{ 

List<GregorianCalendar> dates = new ArrayList<GregorianCalendar>(); 
List<Events> events = new ArrayList<Events>(); 

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat; 
GregorianCalendar calendar_date; 

public EventFragment(){ } 

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, 
     Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
    View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_events, container, false); 
    return rootView; 

public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
    listView = (ListView) getView().findViewById(R.id.list); 

    dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); 
    calendar_date = new GregorianCalendar(); 

    for(int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++){ 
     Log.e("Date", ""+calendar_date.get(i)); 

您只添加到列表一次('dates.add(calendar_date);')。 – GriffeyDog 2014-12-04 21:10:43


@GriffeyDog,我將(dates.add(calendar_date);)移到循環中,它仍然返回與今天相關的日期 – mish 2014-12-04 21:18:24


@mish:'GregorianCalendar'只能表示一個日期/時間。它不是像日曆應用程序那樣具有多個日期的「完整」日曆。 – Squonk 2014-12-04 21:22:03




我可以舉一個簡單的例子來生成如下的日期範圍。爲了簡單起見,我就做一月份 - 2015年1月,例如...

Calendar startDate = new GregorianCalendar(); 

// Set the start date to 1st Jan 2015 and time to 00:00:00 using 
// set(int year, int month, int day, int hourOfDay, int minute, int second) 
// NOTE: the month field is in the range 0-11 with January being 0 
startDate.set(2015, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); 

// Clone the start date and add one month to set the end date to 
// 1st February 2015 00:00:00 
Calendar endDate = startDate.clone(); 
endDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // This adds 1 month 

// Step through each day from startDate to endDate (not including endDate itself) 
while (startDate.before(endDate)) { 

    // Do whatever you need to do here to get the date string from startDate 
    // using SimpleDateFormat for example. For logging purposes you can 
    // use the next line... 
    Log.e("Date", startDate.toString()); 

    // Now increment the day as follows... 
    startDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); 


List<String> dates = new ArrayList<String>(); 

謝謝你的回答.....它啓發了我更多。請你可以向我推薦任何有幫助的源代碼。 – mish 2014-12-04 23:57:12


@mish:我只能推薦你在Google上搜索Google日曆應用示例 - 我確定那裏肯定有不少。 – Squonk 2014-12-05 00:14:53