2015-12-14 73 views



self.window.rootViewController = self.generateSecondDemoVC() 



// PurchaseViewController.swift 
// News Cartel 
// Created by Tunde Adegoroye on 13/12/2015. 
// Copyright © 2015 Tunde Adegoroye. All rights reserved. 

import UIKit 
import Onboard 

class PurchaseViewController: OnboardingViewController { 

    @IBAction func closeButtonDidTouch(sender: AnyObject) { 
     dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil) 

    func loadFromNewFilters(notification: NSNotification){ 


    override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) { 

     // Can't seem to hook it upto the viewcontroller here 


    func generatePurchasePaging() -> OnboardingViewController { 

     let welcomePage = OnboardingContentViewController(title: "PAY WHAT YOU WANT", body: "I made my app so you could have the best experience reading tech related news. That’s why I want you to value it based on your satisfaction.", image: UIImage(named: "Purchase-Pig"), buttonText: "") {() -> Void in 


     let firstPurchasePage = OnboardingContentViewController(title: "MINT", body: "The app is great but there’s still a few places in room of improvement. If this is your feeling this is for you.", image: UIImage(named: "Purchase-Mint"), buttonText: "69p") {() -> Void in 


     let secondPurchasePage = OnboardingContentViewController(title: "SWEET", body: "IThis is the suggested price where you value the time I spent on development and design. Feel free to pay more or less.", image: UIImage(named: "Purchase-Lolly"), buttonText: "£1.49") {() -> Void in 


     let thirdPurchasePage = OnboardingContentViewController(title: "GOLD", body: "Hello is it me your looking for, if this popped into your mind using the app then this is the price for you.", image: UIImage(named: "Purchase-Gold"), buttonText: "£2.99") {() -> Void in 


     let purchaseVC = OnboardingViewController(backgroundImage: nil, contents: [welcomePage, firstPurchasePage, secondPurchasePage, thirdPurchasePage]) 

     return purchaseVC 




override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) { 


拯救了我的生命,他們確實有一份糟糕的文檔 –


這是否仍適用於您?在我的情況下,它確實添加了它,但是隨後的登錄無法使用 –



class ViewController: OnboardingViewController { 

    override init(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: NSBundle?) { 
    super.init(nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil) 

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { 

    let welcomePage = OnboardingContentViewController(title: "PAY WHAT YOU WANT", body: "I made my app so you could have the best experience reading tech related news. That’s why I want you to value it based on your satisfaction.", image: UIImage(named: "Purchase-Pig"), buttonText: "") {} 
    let firstPurchasePage = OnboardingContentViewController(title: "MINT", body: "The app is great but there’s still a few places in room of improvement. If this is your feeling this is for you.", image: UIImage(named: "Purchase-Mint"), buttonText: "69p") {} 
    let secondPurchasePage = OnboardingContentViewController(title: "SWEET", body: "IThis is the suggested price where you value the time I spent on development and design. Feel free to pay more or less.", image: UIImage(named: "Purchase-Lolly"), buttonText: "£1.49") {} 
    let thirdPurchasePage = OnboardingContentViewController(title: "GOLD", body: "Hello is it me your looking for, if this popped into your mind using the app then this is the price for you.", image: UIImage(named: "Purchase-Gold"), buttonText: "£2.99") {} 

    super.init(backgroundImage: nil, contents: [welcomePage, firstPurchasePage, secondPurchasePage, thirdPurchasePage]) 

    // Customize Onboard viewController 
    allowSkipping = true 
    skipHandler = { print("Skip") } 


    override func viewDidLoad() { 
    view.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor() 




這只是顯示第一頁不允許您滾動到多個頁面,當您將其添加到viewControllers屬性 – Tunds


現在呢? –


這不是我所要求的,我希望它可以滾動按鈕來指示下面,您發佈用戶的代碼將需要按下按鈕移動到下一頁.... – Tunds
