//usual window declarations>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:DataEntryViewModel}">
<view:DataEntryView />
//more DataTemplates for other data entry views
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<view:ToolbarView Grid.Row="0"
DataContext="{Binding ToolbarContext}" />
<ContentPresenter Grid.Row="1"
Content="{Binding DataEntryContext}" />
public interface IDataEntryViewModelBase
void Save();
public abstract class DataEntryViewModelBase : ViewModelBase, IDataEntryViewModelBase
public virtual void Save()
//base save work
public class DataEntryViewModel : DataEntryViewModelBase
public override void Save()
//unique save work
public class ToolbarViewModel : ViewModelBase, IToolbarViewModel
//can just use EventArgs here if no need to pass data when this event fires
public event EventHandler<SaveExecutedArgs> SaveExecuted;
public ICommand CmdSave
get { return new RelayCommand(() => OnSaveExecuted()); }
protected void OnSaveExecuted()
var handler = SaveExecuted;
if (handler == null) return;
handler(this, new SaveExecutedArgs());
MainViewModel具有工具欄DataContext的屬性和DataEntry DataContext的屬性。當分配ToolbarContext時,我爲工具欄公開的每個命令事件註冊一個方法。在事件處理程序中,我爲該事件調用DataEntryContext的適當方法。
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
private IToolbarViewModel _toolbarContext;
public IToolbarViewModel ToolbarContext
get { return _toolbarContext; }
set { Set("ToolbarContext", ref _toolbarContext, value); }
private IDataEntryViewModelBase _dataEntryContext;
public IDataEntryViewModelBase DataEntryContext
get { return _dataEntryContext; }
set { Set("DataEntryContext", ref _dataEntryContext, value); }
public MainViewModel()
_toolbarContext = new ToolbarViewModel();
_toolbarContext.SaveExecuted += ToolbarContext_SaveExecuted;
_dataEntryContext = new DataEntryViewModel();
private void ToolbarContext_SaveExecuted(object sender, SaveExecutedArgs e)
//can change this to popup a warning or however you want to handle it
//under the circumstance that DataEntryContext is null
if (DataEntryContext == null) return;
您是否在使用棱鏡?通常,我在我的viewmodel中實現IActiveAware,區域管理器自動在我的ViewModel和View上設置IsActive。然後我創建一個「SaveCommand」這是一個CompositeCommand並註冊每個ViewModel的命令。當ViewModel處於活動狀態時,切換其命令的IsActive屬性,因此只調用正確的屬性。 – Alan
是的,我正在使用棱鏡。雖然我對棱鏡和WPF是新手,但是我的知識是有限的。我一定會檢查出來。 –