2016-09-19 70 views


    "info": { 
     "name": "This is Exam name", 
     "main": "Find out with this super crazy knowledge", 
     "results": "Get ready", 
     "level1": "Result Poor", 
     "level2": "Result Average", 
     "level3": "Result Good", 
     "level4": "Result Very Good", 
     "level5": "Result Great" 
    "questions": [ 
      "q": "Which is the letter A in the English alphabet?", 
      "a": [ 
       {"option": "8",  "correct": false}, 
       {"option": "14",  "correct": false}, 
       {"option": "1",  "correct": true}, 
       {"option": "23",  "correct": false} 
      "correct": "This is correct", 
      "incorrect": "It's the first letter of the alphabet." 
      "q": "Eureka Which of the following best represents your preferred breakfast?", 
      "a": [ 
       {"option": "Bacon and eggs",    "correct": false}, 
       {"option": "Fruit, oatmeal, and yogurt", "correct": true}, 
       {"option": "Leftover pizza",    "correct": false}, 
       {"option": "Eggs, fruit, toast, and milk", "correct": true} 
      "select_any": true, 
      "correct": "<p><span>Nice!</span> Your cholestoral level is probably doing alright.</p>", 
      "incorrect": "<p><span>Hmmm.</span> You might want to reconsider your options.</p>" 
      "q": "Eureka Where are you right now? Select ALL that apply.", 
      "a": [ 
       {"option": "Planet Earth",   "correct": true}, 
       {"option": "Pluto",     "correct": false}, 
       {"option": "At a computing device", "correct": true}, 
       {"option": "The Milky Way",   "correct": true} 
      "correct": "<p><span>Brilliant!</span> You're seriously a genius, (wo)man.</p>", 
      "incorrect": "<p><span>Not Quite.</span> You're actually on Planet Earth, in The Milky Way, At a computer. But nice try.</p>" 
      "q": "How many Eureka of rain does Michigan get on average per year?", 
      "a": [ 
       {"option": "149", "correct": false}, 
       {"option": "32",  "correct": true}, 
       {"option": "3",  "correct": false}, 
       {"option": "1291", "correct": false} 
      "correct": "<p><span>Eureka bananas!</span> I didn't actually expect you to know that! Correct!</p>", 
      "incorrect": "<p><span>Fail.</span> Sorry. You lose. It actually rains approximately 32 inches a year in Michigan.</p>" 
      "q": "Is Earth bigger than a basketball?", 
      "a": [ 
       {"option": "Yes", "correct": true}, 
       {"option": "No",  "correct": false} 
      "correct": "<p><span>Eureka Job!</span> You must be very observant!</p>", 
      "incorrect": "<p><span>ERRRR!</span> What planet Earth are <em>you</em> living on?!?</p>" 


function generateJSON($pdo){ 
    $response = array(); 
      $response["error"] = false;   
      $response["questions"] = array(); 

    $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM questions"); 
    $result= $stmt->fetchAll(); 
    if($stmt->rowCount() > 0){ 
    foreach($result as $row) { 
     $tmp = array(); 
     $tmp["id"] = $row["id"]; 
     $tmp["q"] = $row["question"]; 
     $tmp["correct"] = $row["question"]; 
     $tmp["incorrect"] = $row["subject_id"]; 
     $tmp["status"] = $row["level_id"]; 

     //Fetching the options 
     $stmt2 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM question_options WHERE question_id = ".$tmp["id"]); 
     $opt_result= $stmt2->fetchAll(); 
     foreach($opt_result as $opt_row) { 
     $option = array(); 
     $option["option"] = $opt_row["option_text"]; 
     $option["correct"] = $opt_row["is_correct"] ==1; 
     array_push($response["questions"], $option); 
     //End of fetching options for this question 

     array_push($response["questions"], $tmp); 
      echoRespnse(200, $response); 

我有些新來這...不知道如果我需要創建一個類似的PHP類,然後將其編碼爲json。但任何示例或建議都非常感謝。 –


創建一組實現'JsonSerializable'接口並在複雜對象上使用'json_encode'的類是面向對象的方法來完成這一任務,但是是可選的。製作一個封裝你需要的所有信息的關聯數組可能更簡單。 – apokryfos




class Quiz { 
    private $questions; 
    public function addQuestion (Question $question) 
    public function addGrade ($title, $score) 
    public function serialize() 

class Question { 
    private $text; 
    private $alternatives = array(); 
    private $correctString; 
    private $incorrectString; 
    public function setText ($text) 
    public function addAlternative ($text, $correct) 
    public function serialize() 


一旦做到這一點,那麼你可以做一些與此類似,使用INNER JOIN把所有的記錄在一個查詢:

// Generate the quiz and set all of its properties. 
$quiz = new Quiz(); 

while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) { 
    if ($row['question_id'] != $oldID) { 
     // Save the old (completed) question to the quiz. 
     $quiz->addQuestion ($question); 

     // Used to detect when we get to a new question. 
     $oldID = $row['question_id']; 

     $question = new Question(); 

     // Add the question details here. 

    // Each question has at least one alternative. 
    $question->addAlternative ($row['alt'], $row['correct']}; 

// We need to ensure that we've added the last question to the quiz as well. 
$quiz->addQuestion ($question); 

$data = json_serialize ($quiz->serialize());