class Element {
int val; // can be anything like String etc.
Element next; // Pointer to the next Element
public class List {
Element head = null; // Beginning of the list (head)
public void insertAtEnd(int x){
Element n = new Element();
n.val = x;
if (head == null){ // If the list is empty
head = n; // we insert the Element n as the first element
Element h = head; // I think this helps as a reference right?
while (h.next != null){ // While the pointer of the head isn't empty
h = h.next; // our Element h becomes the next Element added to the list
h.next = n; // If none of the cases above apply, the Element h ist just added at the end of the list right?
public void insertAtBegin (int x){
Element n = new Element(); // We create a new Object Element called n
n.val = x; // We pass the value of x to the object n with the attribute int val (Is that right?)
n.next = head; // What happens here?
head = n; // The new Element n becomes the head
public void lastToBegin(){
if (head != null && head.next != null){
Element e = head;
while(e.next.next != null){
e = e.next;
Element h = e.next;
e.next = null;
h.next = head;
head = h;
我有更多的方法,但我首先想了解的基礎知識。 我欣賞任何形式的幫助,謝謝。