我面臨的路線問題我使用的是laravel 5.4和xampp。 我用這個地址'localhost/project/laravel/public'去主頁。 當我點擊導航區域中的任何鏈接時,我找不到對象。 點擊後,地址顯示http://localhost/about鏈接和路由不工作
I edit home.blade.php as
href = "./" and "./about" By adding period
problem solved to some extent
but when I am on another page
e.g login page address is http://localhost/project/laravel/public/users/login
and if I want to go to contact page, again object not found message received
This time address is http://localhost/project/laravel/public/users/contact
I also tried href="{{ url('/contact')}}" in home.blade.php
The problem remains same.
php artisan serve
localhost:8000 gives 'unable to connect'
Please guide, thanks.
通過使用php artisan服務,獲得 Laravel開發服務器啓動:。 但localhost:8000地址響應無法連接 –
我建議你創建一個新項目 –
我已經嘗試了新的但是同樣的問題。有什麼設置可以做我不知道的嗎? – Amir