2015-07-06 104 views


19. Which of the following conflicting criteria does the problem below satisfe. 2.1 
C++ pointers are powerful and very flexible but at the cost of poor intelligibility. 
a. Writability vs Readability 
b. Reliability vs Cost of execution 
c. Writability vs Reliability 
d. Cost of execution vs. Readability 
e. Cost of execution vs. Readability 


[0] => 19. Which of the following conflicting criteria does the problem below satisfye. 2.1 
C++ pointers are powerful and very flexible but at the cost of poor intelligibility. 

    [1] => a. Writability vs Readability 

    [2] => b. Reliability vs Cost of execution 

    [3] => c. Writability vs Reliability 

    [4] => d. Cost of execution vs. Readability 

    [5] => e. Cost of execution vs. Readability 


preg_split('/(?=[a-e\d]+\.(?!\d))/', $entries, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); 

    [0] => 1 
    [1] => 9. Which of the following conflicting criteria does the problem below satisfy 
    [2] => e. 2.1 
C++ pointers are powerful and very flexible but at the cost of poor intelligibility. 

    [3] => a. Writability vs Readability 

    [4] => b. Reliability vs Cost of execution 

    [5] => c. Writability vs Reliability 

    [6] => d. Cost of execution vs. Readability 

    [7] => e. Cost of execution vs. Readability 



爲什麼不換行換行符? 「C++指針在自己的路線上強大」? e.'如何生成? – chris85


C++指針功能強大,是第一行的一部分。我不能爆炸它。 – Ian


爲什麼你不能爆炸呢?爆炸在本地測試中工作正常......我仍然沒有看到「e」來自哪裏,但我認爲這是一個錯字? – chris85



據我所知,如果有^[a-e\d]+\.ahead(從下面一行開始),您想要在一個或多個\v垂直空格處進行拆分。 preg_split功能是好的:

$pattern = '/\v+(?=^[a-e\d]+\.)/m'; 


print_r(preg_split($pattern, $str)); 

test at eval.in;應該給出期望的結果:

    [0] => 19. Which of the following conflicting criteria does the problem below satisfe. 2.1 
C++ pointers are powerful and very flexible but at the cost of poor intelligibility. 
    [1] => a. Writability vs Readability 
    [2] => b. Reliability vs Cost of execution 
    [3] => c. Writability vs Reliability 
    [4] => d. Cost of execution vs. Readability 
    [5] => e. Cost of execution vs. Readability 

還有see regex101用於測試分割序列。如果中間有空格的空行,請嘗試使用\s+(一個或多個空格)而不是\v+


我很抱歉我遲到的迴應,這真的幫助了我! – Ian


@Ian偉大的這可以幫助你!ツ也是一個遲到的答案 –



$str = "19. Which of the following conflicting criteria does the problem below satisfe. 2.1 C++ pointers are powerful and very flexible but at the cost of poor intelligibility. 
a. Writability vs Readability 
b. Reliability vs Cost of execution 
c. Writability vs Reliability 
d. Cost of execution vs. Readability 

preg_match_all('/(.*)\n/', $str, $matches); 



array(2) { 
    array(5) { 
     string(169) "19. Which of the following conflicting criteria does the problem below satisfe. 2.1 C++ pointers are powerful and very flexible but at the cost of poor intelligibility. 
     string(32) "a. Writability vs Readability 
     string(38) "b. Reliability vs Cost of execution 
     string(32) "c. Writability vs Reliability 
     string(39) "d. Cost of execution vs. Readability 
    array(5) { 
     string(168) "19. Which of the following conflicting criteria does the problem below satisfe. 2.1 C++ pointers are powerful and very flexible but at the cost of poor intelligibility." 
     string(31) "a. Writability vs Readability" 
     string(37) "b. Reliability vs Cost of execution" 
     string(31) "c. Writability vs Reliability" 
     string(38) "d. Cost of execution vs. Readability" 

preg_match_all()會給您匹配多行的模式和$matches陣列的能力會給你所有的比賽。由於它會將整行(包括\ n)視爲匹配,所以這是第一個數組。所以你需要(.*)匹配的部分,它位於$matches數組的第二個元素中。


道具爲這個詳細的解釋!謝謝,我會看看這種方法。 – Ian
