我有一個問題,從自定義對象數組創建一個NSMutableArray陣列的字典和單獨的字典(不在數組中)。自定義對象的NSMutableArray - >類似字典和NSDictionaries的NSMutableArrays的NSMutableArray
NSString *firstName;
NSString *lastName;
Person *id;
一些字典將有相同的姓氏和名字,但人物ID將永遠是不同的。我想將這個Person對象的NSMutableArray轉換爲NSMutableArrays和NSDictionaries的NSMutableArray - NSMutableArrays將是具有相同的firstName和lastName的NSDictionaries,而獨立的NSDictionaries將是沒有firstName和lastName的對象。原始NSMutableArray中的任何其他Person。
| |-- NSDictionary (john, smith, id)
| |-- NSDictionary (john, smith, id)
|-- NSMutableArray |-- NSDictionary (john, smith, id)
| |-- NSDictionary (john, smith, id)
| |-- NSDictionary (john, smith, id)
| |-- NSDictionary (bill, jones, id)
people |-- NSMutableArray |-- NSDictionary (bill, jones, id)
(NSMutableArray) | |-- NSDictionary (bill, jones, id)
|-- NSDictionary (mike, smith, id)
|-- NSDictionary (mike, jones, id)
|-- NSDictionary (john, jones, id)
- (NSMutableArray*)organizeForSearchResults:(NSMutableArray*)c {
NSMutableArray *returnArray = [NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// iterate through every person in the incoming crate
@autoreleasepool {
for (Person *person in c) {
// create a new person dictionary
NSDictionary *personDictionary = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
person, @"person",
person.firstName, @"firstName",
record.lastName, @"lastName",
// if there are already objects in the top level c array
if (returnArray.count > 0) {
for (id object in returnArray) {
// the object in returnArray is an array of record dictionaries
if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]]) {
// if the first dictionary object in the array has the same firstName
// and lastName, add the new person dict to the existing array of dicts
NSString *firstName = [(NSDictionary*)object[0] objectForKey:@"firstName"];
NSString *lastName = [(NSDictionary*)object[0] objectForKey:@"lastName"];
if ([firstName isEqualToString:person.firstName] && [lastName isEqualToString:person.lastName]) {
[object addObject:personDictionary];
// if the object is a person dictionary, see if it matches the current dictionary
else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
NSString *firstName = [(NSDictionary*)object objectForKey:@"firstName"];
NSString *lastName = [(NSDictionary*)object objectForKey:@"lastName"];
// if the current object matches the new person dict, we need to
// create a new array with both the existing person dict and the
// new person dict, add that array to returnArray, and remove the
// old person dict
if ([firstName isEqualToString:record.firstName] && [lastName isEqualToString:record.lastName]) {
NSMutableArray *newArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
[newArray addObject:object];
[newArray addObject:personDictionary];
[returnArray addObject:newArray];
[returnArray removeObject:object];
// the new person dict does not match an existing array, so add it as
// a single item in personArray
else {
[personArray addObject:personDictionary];
// there are no objects in personArray, so just add this person dict
else {
[personArray addObject:personDictionary];
return personArray;
是我到目前爲止的執行在功能上是正確的,我相信,但我顯然得到了*** Collection <__NSArrayM:> was mutated while being enumerated.
錯誤,因爲我正在修改它正在枚舉的NSMutableArray。我覺得我完全失去了如何正確實現這一點 - 有沒有人有如何實現這一目標的另一種策略?