def find_name(normalized_name, full_name_container):
n = 0
full_name = ''
for i in range(0, len(full_name_container)):
if n == len(normalized_name):
return full_name
# If the characters at the current position in both
# strings match, add the proper case to the final string
# and move onto the next character
if (normalized_name[n]).upper() == (full_name_container[i]).upper():
full_name += full_name_container[i]
n += 1
# If the name is interrupted by a separator, add that to the result
elif full_name_container[i] in ['-', '_', '.', ' ']:
full_name += full_name_container[i]
# If a character is encountered that is definitely not part of the name
# Re-start the search
n = 0
full_name = ''
return full_name
print(find_name('mycompany', 'Some stuff My Company Some Stuff'))
真棒。謝謝。這個方法實際上是我一開始就想到的實現,但無法實現。與此同時,我發現了一個不同的實現。我會把它作爲答案加入,所以你,其他人可以檢查出來。 – Lexxxxx