2012-04-05 09:26:18.600 mycodeTest [874:F803] *終止應用程序由於 未捕獲的異常 'NSInvalidArgumentException',原因:「* - [NSDictionary的initWithObjects:forKeys:]:物體(4)的計數從密鑰計數不同(5)」 ***第一擲調用堆棧:(0x12cc022 0x1884cd6 0x1248417 0x12685e2 0x19844 0x17e86 0x17669 0x13b67 0xe53a49 0xe51e84 0xe52ea7 0xe51e3f 0xe51fc5 0xd96f5a 0x1d2aa39 0x1df7596 0x1d21120 0x1df7117 0x1d20fbf 0x12a094f 0x1203b43 0x1203424 0x1202d84 0x1202c9b 0x21aa7d8 0x21aa88a 0x450626 0x77ed 0x1e35 0x1)終止呼叫投擲 exceptionCurrent語言:auto;目前的目標-c
//This method gets called from another class when it has new values that need to be saved
- (void) saveData:(NSString *)methodName protocolSignature:(NSString *)pSignature protocolVersion:(NSNumber *)pVersion requestNumber:(NSNumber *)rNumber dataVersionReturned:(NSNumber *)dvReturned cacheValue:(NSMutableDictionary *)cValue
// get paths from root direcory
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
// get documents path
NSString *documentsPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
// get the path to our Data/plist file
NSString *plistPath = [documentsPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"EngineProperties.plist"];
// set the variables to the values in the text fields that will be passed into the plist dictionary
self.protocol = pSignature;
self.Version = pVersion;
self.request = rNumber;
self.dataVersion = dvReturned;
//if statment for the different types of cacheValues
if (methodName == @"GetMan")
//cache value only returns the one cachevalue depending on which method name was used
[self.cacheValue setValue:cValue forKey:@"Man"]; //do I need to have the other values of cacheValue dictionary in here? if so how do I do that.
else if (methodName == @"GetMod")
[self.cacheValue setValue:cValue forKey:@"Mod"];
else if (methodName == @"GetSubs")
[self.cacheValue setValue:cValue forKey:@"Subs"];
// This is where my app is falling over and giving the error message
// create dictionary with values in UITextFields
NSDictionary *plistDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: protocol, pVersion, rNumber, dvReturned, cacheValue, nil] forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Signature", @"Version", @"Request", @"Data Version", @"Cache Value", nil]];
NSString *error = nil;
// create NSData from dictionary
NSData *plistData = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:plistDict format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:&error];
// check is plistData exists
// write plistData to our Data.plist file
[plistData writeToFile:plistPath atomically:YES];
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:plistData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"%@", myString);
NSLog(@"Error in saveData: %@", error);
// [error release];
這是當我登錄我在Xcode的plist的建議之下,當我使用[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:..etc
Check setup is everything there?
Temp Dic output = {
Root = {
"Cache Value" = {
Manu = 0;
Mod = 0;
Sub = 0;
"Data Version returned" = 0;
"Signature" = null;
"Version" = 0;
"Request Number" = 0;
Run Man cache check results
Temp Dic output = {
"Version returned" = 5;
"Signature" = Happy;
"Version" = 1;
"Request Number" = 4;
我已經嘗試過這種按照你的建議,你可以看看我的上面更新的問題我已經添加了輸出...它就像我失去了我的緩存值。 – 2012-04-04 23:18:53