2016-08-03 19 views


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    <b>Molecular simulations simplified</b>. Macromoltek's mission is to provide easy-to-use scientific software. Our vision is to help researchers make new discoveries       by keeping the focus on their science. 
    <b>About our products:</b> 
    Macromoltek provides an Online Workspace for Antibody Analysis and Modeling. 
    We help researchers analyze potential antibody drug targets. We do this by providing users a web interface to our bioinformatics and molecular modeling software:       SmrtMol. 
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     <p class = "read-more-target" style = "list-style: none;"> <br><br>Macromoltek was founded in fall of 2010 by Monica Berrondo (current CEO) to address the        growing need for easy-to-use antibody modeling software. After overcoming some roadblocks in getting started, she started development of a novel structure prediction      software package in spring of 2011. Shortly thereafter, Susana Kaufmann (current CFO) joined Macromoltek to help with the                 everyday operations and software development and testing. They worked tirelessly over the next 6 months to develop, test, and                benchmark an algorithm for predicting structures of antibody sequences. This website, www.macromoltek.com was launched at the end               of 2011 as the primary graphical user interface to all of Macromoltek's products and services.</p> 
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我一般用UL,醇{填充:0;保證金:0},然後風格最近的具體ul/ol –


哇,很奇怪。我認爲默認設置爲0. –


很高興我能幫忙;-) –