<img class="outterImg" src="sadkitty.gif" />
<div id="container" class="container">
<img class="innerImg" src="sadkitty.gif" />
<div class="subContainer">
<img class="innerImg" src="sadkitty.gif" />
<img class="outterImg" src="sadkitty.gif" />
// Bad style declarations for the entire page
border: solid 3px red;
width: 50px;
.container img, .container div, .container etc.
// Style reset for specific elements within my control "container"
border: solid 3px blue;
width: 100px;
.innerImg img
// The target style for the specific class/element within the control
border: solid 3px green;
width: 200px;
的問題是,」 .innerImg img「不會覆蓋」.container img「,正如我所期望的那樣。那麼,重置「容器」元素中所有元素的樣式,然後將樣式放置在該元素中的類上的最佳方法是什麼?