You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-roadway_areas, parking_noMeters, noMeter_days, parking_withMeters, withMeters_d' at line 1
mysql_select_db($database_row_application, $dbc);
if (!$problem) { // If they magicaly got the forum correct
// Make the insert query
if (empty($errors)) { // Then insert the information to the database
$ai = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO applicant_information (firstname, lastname, address, phone, email, date)
VALUES ('$afn', '$aln', '$aa', '$ap', '$ae', '$d')") or die(mysql_error()); //Run the query
if (empty($errors)) { // Then insert the information to the database
$ci = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO closing_information (business_name, address, closure_start_date, closure_end_date, closure_start_time, closure_end_time, rain_date_start, rain_date_end, signs_requested, emergency_vehicle, meter_serial, closing_reason)
VALUES ('$bn', '$ca', '$cbd', '$cbt', '$ced', '$cet', '$rds', '$rde', '$sr', '$ev', '$ms', '$cr')") or die(mysql_error()); //Run the query
if (empty($errors)) { // Then insert the information to the database
$fee = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO fees (non-roadway_areas, parking_noMeters, noMeter_days, parking_withMeters, withMeters_days, lane_closures, alley_closure, total_fee) VALUES ('$SDC','$PNMS', '$PNMS', '$PMS', '$PMD', '$VLC', '$AC')") or die(mysql_error()); //Run the query
if ($ai) { // If it ran
if ($ci) {
if ($fee) {
mysql_close($dbc); // Close the database connection
// Redirect User
header("Location: payment.php");
$_POST = array();
// Clear the posted values, or else they'll float in the void f orever:
反引用表名 –
這是因爲列名中有一個連字符。使用'' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885497/hyphens-in-column-names-in-mysql-db – DaveHogan
也關閉[Register Globals](http://php.net/manual/) en/security.globals.php)並使用[mysql_real_escape_string()](http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-real-escape-string.php) –