我有我的proggramme姓,名三個數組和結果,需要創造一種陣列 姓:克里斯用的名字:查爾頓:結果:54 姓:阿內特:用的名字:萊爾:導致67 如果我想對它進行排序通過姓氏的字母順序,我需要所有的字段移動,而不僅僅是姓氏。這是冒泡排序的代碼我工作過如何在java中對三個數組進行排序?
int swap;
boolean swapflag = true;
//outer loop
while (swapflag == true)
swapflag = false;
//inner loop
for (int index=0; index < (nums.length - 1); index++)
//swap routine
if (nums[index]> nums[index + 1])
{ //swap routine
swap = nums[index];
nums[index] = nums[index + 1];
nums[index + 1] = swap;
swapflag = true;
}//end inner
}//end outer
System.out.println ("\nArray Contents after sorting"
+ "\n*************");
for (int index=0; index < nums.length; index ++)
System.out.println("Array element "
+ index + ": " + nums[index]);
` package projStudent;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class UnitResults
//delcare Scanner as keyb
static Scanner keyb = new Scanner (System.in);
//declare fields
static String studentForename [];
static String studentSurname [];
static int [] studentResult;
static int pointer;
UnitResults(int sizeofclass)
{//start of constructor
studentForename = new String [sizeofclass];
studentSurname = new String [sizeofclass];
studentResult = new int [sizeofclass];
pointer = 0;
}//end of constructor
public boolean add(String studentForename[], String studentSurname[],
int studentResult[])
{//start of add method
if (pointer == studentResult.length)
{//start of if statement
System.out.println("Sorry Array is full");
return false;
studentResult[pointer] = studentResult[];
pointer ++;
}//end of if statement
}//end of add method
public boolean delete(int element)
{//start of delete method
element = element - 1;
if ((element >= 0) && (element < pointer))
{//start of if statement
for(int index = (element + 1); index < pointer; index++)
{//start of for statement
studentResult[index - 1] = studentResult[index];
}//end of for statement
return true;
}//end of if statement
{//start of else statement
return false;
}//end of else statement
}//end of delete method
public String find()
{//start of display
String strOutput="";
strOutput = strOutput + "Students";
if (pointer==0)
{//start of if statement
strOutput = strOutput + "There are no records in this Array";
return strOutput;
}//end of if statement
for (int index=0; index < pointer; index++)
{//start of for method
strOutput = strOutput + "Student Name" + studentSurname[index] + studentForename +
"Student Result" + studentResult +"\n";
}//end of for method
return strOutput;
public int sort (int UnitResults)
{//start of sort
int sort;
boolean swapflag = true;
while (swapflag == true)
{//start of while loop
swapflag = false;
for (int index=0; index < (UnitResults - 1); index++)
if (studentResult[index]> studentResult[index + 1])
{ //swap routine
sort = studentResult[index];
studentResult[index] = studentResult[index + 1];
studentResult[index + 1] = sort;
swapflag = true;
}//end of while loop
}//end of sort
** Java **和** JavaScript **是兩種完全不同的語言。 – Pointy
爲什麼你使用3個數組,而不是一個?你不能把屬於一個人的三個值合併到一個Person類或其他東西中,然後把它放到一個數組中嗎? –