剛纔我對這個問題一直耿耿於懷。 Grails不會創建必需的表,我的域中指定了 。下面是執行Grails的運行程序後所散發出來的 命令行:由於longblob,Grails不生成表格?
[main] ERROR hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: create table image
(id bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
version bigint not null, content longblob not null,
content_type varchar(255), description varchar(255),
name varchar(255), product_id bigint, size bigint not null,
type varchar(255) not null, primary key (id))
2011-11-06 16:25:31,142 [main] ERROR hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Wrong data type:
LONGBLOB in statement [create table image (id bigint generated by default
as identity (start with 1), version bigint not null, content longblob]
我相信這事做與我的領域類。有人能指出我正確的方向嗎?我正在使用grails 1.3.7,這是我的域類Image.groovy。
class Image {
static belongsTo = Product
Product product
ImageType type
String name
String description
byte[] content
String contentType
Long size
static constraints = {
product nullable: true
content nullable: false
contentType nullable: true, blank: true
size min: 0L
name nullable: true, blank: true
description nullable: true, blank: true
static mapping = {
content (sqlType: "longblob")
這可能不起作用,因爲grails忽略了這個定義。 – Chris