代碼可以比我更好地解釋這個問題。我還包括了我試圖做到這一點的替代方法。如果可能的話,請解釋爲什麼這些其他方法不起作用。我已經用完了想法,可悲的是HtmlAgilityPack沒有太多例子。我目前正在瀏覽尋找更多想法的文檔。如何從HtmlAgility Pack獲得某種形式的輸入? Lang:C#.net
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using System.Collections;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string source = @"
<form name='form1' action='action1' method='method1' id='id1'>
<input type='text1.1' name='name1.1' value='value1.1' />
<input type='text1.2' name='name1.2' value='value1.2' />
<form name='form2' action='action2' method='method2' id='id2'>
<input type='text2.1' name='name2.1' value='value2.1' />
<input type='text2.2' name='name2.2' value='value2.2' />
List<HtmlAttribute> formAttributes = new List<HtmlAttribute>();//this is what i'm wanting to get for the current form.
* I want to end up with a list that has
* Name: type Value: text1.1
* Name: name Value: 1.1
* Name: value Value: value1.1
* Name: type Value: text1.2
* Name: name Value: name1.2
* Name: value Value: value1.2
* but I am ending up with the 2nd forms values as well
* */
HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
var forms = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("form");
foreach (var form in forms)
Console.WriteLine(form.Attributes[0].Value); //simple writes the form name to the console to keep track of things
HtmlNodeCollection inputs = form.SelectNodes("/input"); // gets all the inputs in the selected form, or so I thought. This is where the problem lies. Result: Shows both forms inputs.
//HtmlNodeCollection inputs = form.SelectNodes("//input"); // not the best at xpath, but perhaps this could make a difference? Result: no difference
//var inputs = form.Elements("input"); // Maybe the inputs are referred to as elements? Result: shows no input outerhtml at all.
foreach (var input in inputs) //this has all 4 inputs from both forms. I only want it to have 2 inputs from the selected form.
List<HtmlAttribute> attributes = new List<HtmlAttribute>();
attributes = input.Attributes.ToList<HtmlAttribute>();
foreach (var att in attributes)
//add attributes to allattributes list code that will be done once problem of getting only inputs for specified form is fixed
// here comes an alternate method! Edit: Didn't work :'(
//var inputs = form.Descendants("input"); // perhaps using the "Descendants class will make a difference. Result: Nope, didn't have any items at all!
//IEnumerator e = inputs.GetEnumerator();
//while (e.MoveNext())
// Console.WriteLine("input: " + e.Current);
Console.WriteLine(); // Simply making everything look pretty with a newline after each form name/input outerhtml display.
不能投我自己的答案?如果這對我來說是8小時的問題,我無法弄清楚?大聲笑,如此欣喜若狂,我得到了這個。 – Codygman 2010-02-01 11:03:52
很高興知道 - 感謝您發佈答案。 – Dror 2010-02-01 14:03:34