2012-07-26 33 views



退房this demo。它使用appendControlsTo選項完全移動滑塊控件。你將不得不添加你自己的CSS樣式(參見演示)。

    // A HTML element (jQuery Object, selector or HTMLNode) to which 
    // the controls will be appended, if not null 
    appendControlsTo: $('#nav'), 

    // Go to https://github.com/ProLoser/AnythingSlider/wiki/Navigation-options#wiki-navigationformatter 
    // for details on how to set up this navigationFormatter option 
    navigationFormatter: function(index, panel) { 
     // This is the default format (show just the panel index number) 
     return "" + index; 

有關appendControlsTo option的更多信息,請查閱wiki文檔