例如,您可以: -
- 在Excel文件中創建一個VBA程序(類似下面)。
- 給它指定一個鍵盤快捷鍵(例如Ctrl + Q)。
- 爲此,請按Alt + F8,然後選擇宏,然後單擊'選項'。
- 選擇要複製的單元格,然後按Ctrl + C。
- 選擇您想要粘貼的單元格,然後按Ctrl + Q(或您選擇的任何鍵盤快捷鍵)。
- 輸入您想要複製的次數。 (在你的例子中,它會是3.)
- 現在您可以刪除VBA過程。 :)
Sub PasteAsInterleave()
Dim startCell As Range
Dim endCell As Range
Dim firstRow As Range
Dim pasteCount As Long
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim colCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim inputValue As String
If Application.CutCopyMode = False Then Exit Sub
'Get number of times to copy.
inputValue = InputBox("Enter number of times to paste interleaved:", _
"Paste Interleave", "")
If inputValue = "" Then Exit Sub 'Cancelled by user.
On Error GoTo Error
pasteCount = CInt(inputValue)
If pasteCount <= 0 Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0
'Paste first set.
If pasteCount = 1 Then Exit Sub
'Get pasted data information.
Set startCell = Selection.Cells(1)
Set endCell = Selection.Cells(Selection.Cells.count)
rowCount = endCell.Row - startCell.Row + 1
colCount = endCell.Column - startCell.Column + 1
Set firstRow = Range(startCell, startCell.Offset(0, colCount - 1))
'Paste everything else while rearranging rows.
For i = rowCount To 1 Step -1
firstRow.Offset(i - 1, 0).Copy
For j = 1 To pasteCount
startCell.Offset(pasteCount * i - j, 0).PasteSpecial
Next j
Next i
'Select the pasted cells.
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range(startCell, startCell.Offset(rowCount * pasteCount - 1, colCount - 1)).Select
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Invalid number."
End Sub
你的意思是讓副本編程?如果是這種情況,請查看[this](http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=32583) – higuaro