def initDeck(n):
cards = []
for i in range(n):
cards.append(i + 1)
return cards
def cutDeck(deck):
decklength = len(deck)
if((decklength % 2) != 0): #odds
numTop = decklength//2
numBot = numTop + 1
else: #evens
numTop = decklength//2
numBot = decklength//2
bottomDeck = []
bottomDeck = deck[:(numBot)]
topDeck = []
topDeck = deck[(numBot):]
return topDeck, bottomDeck
def shuffle(topDeck, bottomDeck):
newDeck = []
numcards = (len(topDeck)) + (len(bottomDeck))
for g in range(numcards):
return newDeck
n = int(input("How many cards do you want to shuffle? "))
numshuffles = int(input("How many times would you like to shuffle the deck? "))
deck = initDeck(n)
topDeck,bottomDeck = cutDeck(deck)
print(bottomDeck, '\n', topDeck, sep="")
while(numshuffles > 0):
shuffledDeck = shuffle(topDeck, bottomDeck)
numshuffles += -1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\etc", line 51, in <module>
shuffledDeck = shuffle(topDeck, bottomDeck)
File "C:\etc", line 35, in shuffle
IndexError: list index out of range
感謝您的迴應!我該如何解決這個問題(抱歉,我的想法是間隔)?我嘗試在'(len(topDeck))+(len(bottomDeck))之後加上' - 1',並且這樣做不起作用,因此我試圖將它添加到'range(numcards - 1)'中,工作。謝謝! – Iounno 2014-11-21 07:58:09
感謝一堆爲修復!現在我遇到了一個問題,每當我洗牌時,它都會輸出相同的內容。問題是我的'newDeck []'在函數'shuffle()'中?當我將它移動到MAIN時,它不斷擴展列表。我怎樣才能解決這個問題?感謝一羣幫助btw!如果可以的話,我會讓你滿意的。 – Iounno 2014-11-21 08:17:21
因爲你的'topDeck'和'bottomDeck'沒有改變。您可以從'shuffledDeck'創建新的'topDeck'和'bottomDeck',但它也會在'len(topDeck)'次後重複。你也應該使用隨機模塊來洗牌。如果您無法註冊,您可以將其標記爲已接受,因爲您發佈的問題已解決。 – 2014-11-21 08:27:30