2015-11-26 95 views

我對C++和所有計算機相關的東西都很陌生,所以很容易。我正在嘗試在我班的作業中首次使用矢量。我設法讓我的代碼編譯,但運行一半,代碼讀取segment fault (core dumped)。我不知道如何使用gdb查明確切的行,但我知道它發生在循環過程中的名稱函數中以按字母順序組織名稱。我知道我的矢量大小有問題,但我不知道如何解決它。我還需要一個簡單的解決方案,因爲我不是高級班,只能使用我在課堂上學到的知識。我不斷收到相同的錯誤消息:段錯誤(核心轉儲)



#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 
using namespace std; 

int choice(int); 
void sortAndSend(vector<string> &names); 

int main() 
    ofstream outputFile; 
    int numOfNames; 
    int count = 0; 
    numOfNames = choice(numOfNames); 

    vector<string> names(numOfNames); 

    return 0; 

int choice(int a) 
    cout << "Select a number 1-5 that reflects how many names" << endl 
     << "you would like to enter." << endl; 
    cin >> a; 
    cout << "You have selected " << a << " names." << endl << endl; 
    return a; 

void sortAndSend(vector<string> &names) 
    ofstream outputFile; 
    string name; 
    string a; 

    cout << "You will be asked to enter " << names.size() << " names." << endl 
     << "You may enter each individual's " 
     << "last name first, followed by the individual's first name, " 
     << "then middle name (if applicable)." << endl 
     << "Do NOT include any commas." << endl << endl; 
    for (int count = 0; count < names.size(); count++)       //Allows user to enter specified # of names 
     cout << "Enter a name now: "; 
     getline(cin, name); 
     names[count] = name; 
     cout << endl << "You have entered " << names[count] << endl << endl; 

    for (int count = 0; count < names.size(); count++) 
     cout << names[count] << endl; 
    for (int count = 0; count < names.size(); count++) 
             //Arranges names in alphabetical order 
             //Error occurs here 
     while (names[count] > names[count + 1]) 
      a = names[count + 1]; 
      names[count + 1] = names[count]; 
      names[count] = a; 
    cout << "Your names are now alphebetized" << endl << endl; 
    cout << "This is what is being copied to the file named" 
     << " 'AlphabeticalOrderEC.txt': " << endl; 

    for (int count = 0; count < names.size(); count++)   //Prints  names in alphabetical order 
     cout << names[count] << endl; 

    outputFile.open("AlphabeticalOrderEC");     //Prints names into file 
    for (int count = 0; count < names.size(); count++) 
     outputFile << names[count] << endl; 

我編輯過將'gbd'改爲'gdb',但想要確保你實際上使用了正確的命令! 'gdb ',然後在gdb中輸入'run'。當它出現段錯誤時,輸入'bt'獲得回溯。 – dga


如果'count' =='names.size() - 1',那麼'count + 1' == names.size()'和'names [count + 1]'在數組邊界之外。 –


感謝您的幫助和錯字修復!這是一個簡單的修復!我錯過了這一點,我感到很傻。 – TingRay




for (int count = 0; count < names.size(); count++) 
    while (names[count] > names[count + 1]) 
     a = names[count + 1]; 
     names[count + 1] = names[count]; 
     names[count] = a; 

你should'n使用count + 1,您只能當計數小於names.size()-1做到這一點。你應該找到另一個可以代替這部分代碼的邏輯。這就像試圖訪問僅有10個數組的第11個元素。