2013-10-17 55 views

我試圖在Report_Load事件中將報表(或表單)的記錄集更改爲動態調用的MySQL存儲過程的結果。具體來說,我將如何設置連接?我看過Bind Access form to the results from a Stored Procedure以及How to bind Microsoft Access forms to ADO recordsets。我已經成功地使用傳遞查詢中的硬編碼值連接到存儲過程,詳見Calling Stored Procedures and other SQL statements from MS Access 2003 (Pass Through)從MySQL存儲過程綁定訪問表單/報表

下面是示例代碼從Bind Access form to the results from a Stored Procedure - 我想設置,而不是使用SQL服務器的MySQL連接:

With cn 
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Access.OLEDB.10.0" 
    .Properties("Data Provider").Value = "SQLOLEDB" 
    .Properties("Data Source").Value = "Server" 
    .Properties("Integrated Security").Value = "SSPI" 
    .Properties("Initial Catalog").Value = "Test" 
End With 

我使用Access 2007年。

出於興趣,這裏是我用來修改sp調用的代碼,給出一個錯誤「32585該功能只在ADP中可用」。 Gord Thompson提出修改實際查詢的建議,所以我使用了這個。

If Not CurrentProject.AllForms("foo_frm").IsLoaded Then 
     'use hard-coded query (stored procedure) for dev work 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    Dim action, startdate, enddate As String 
    action = Forms![foo_frm].txtAction 

    If action = "cmdDaily" Then 
     startdate = Forms![foo_frm].txtYesterday 
     enddate = Forms![foo_frm].txtToday 
     startdate = Forms![foo_frm].cboStartDate 
     enddate = Forms![foo_frm].cboEndDate 
    End If 

    Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection 
    Dim strConnection As String 

    strConnection = "ODBC;DSN=Foo01;UID=root;PWD=Secret;DATABASE=bar" 
    With cn 
     .Provider = "MSDASQL" 
     .Properties("Data Source").Value = strConnection 
    End With 

    Dim prmStartDate, prmEndDate As New ADODB.Parameter 
    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command 

    Set prmStartDate = cmd.CreateParameter("startdate", adDate, adParamInput) 
    prmStartDate.Value = CDate(startdate) 
    cmd.Parameters.Append (prmStartDate) 

    Set prmEndDate = cmd.CreateParameter("enddate", adDate, adParamInput) 
    prmEndDate.Value = CDate(enddate) 
    cmd.Parameters.Append (prmEndDate) 

    With cmd 
     .ActiveConnection = cn 
     .CommandText = "qux_sp" 
     .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc 
     Set Me.Recordset = .Execute 
    End With 

僅供參考,你不能綁定的訪問報告到ADO記錄集,除非您使用的Access數據項目(稱爲ADP)是一種特殊類型的Access應用程序文件,現在在Access 2013中已被棄用。就形式而言,是的,您應該可以執行此操作。 – HK1


是的,我得到了一個錯誤「32585此功能只適用於ADP」 –





Sub TweakPassThroughQuery() 
Dim testID As Long 
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef, rst As DAO.Recordset 
testID = 2 ' this is the parameter we really want to pass to the stored procedure 
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("ptq_myproc") 
Debug.Print "Existing pass-through query..." 
Debug.Print " " & qdf.SQL 
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset 
Debug.Print "...returns a value like this:" 
Debug.Print " " & rst!col1 
Set rst = Nothing 
' now tweak the stored procedure call 
qdf.SQL = "CALL myproc(" & testID & ")" 
Debug.Print "Modified pass-through query..." 
Debug.Print " " & qdf.SQL 
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset 
Debug.Print "...returns a value like this:" 
Debug.Print " " & rst!col1 
Set rst = Nothing 
Set qdf = Nothing 
End Sub 


Existing pass-through query... 
    CALL myproc(1) 
...returns a value like this: 
Modified pass-through query... 
    CALL myproc(2) 
...returns a value like this: 

很好,謝謝!我會放棄這一點。我昨天晚上想着修改實際查詢本身的方法,不知道如何處理它。 –