查看這裏的行動腳本:http://www.ppleasysavings.com/calcscript/index.html (TIP):輸入一個值的「數量」字段,以及總計將自動計算。
Yes<input name="special_1" type="radio" value="1" />
No<input name="special_1" type="radio" value="0" />
<input name="total_item_1" type="text" id="total_item_1" style="text-align:right;" value="$0.00" size="7" maxlength="8" readonly="readonly">
Yes<input name="special_2" type="radio" value="1" />
No<input name="special_2" type="radio" value="0" />
<input name="total_item_2" type="text" id="total_item_2" style="text-align:right;" value="$0.00" size="7" maxlength="8" readonly="readonly">
var bIsFirebugReady = (!!window.console && !!window.console.log);
// update the plug-in version
// bind the recalc function to the quantity fields
$("input[name^=qty_item_]").bind("keyup", recalc);
$("input[name^=special_]").bind("checked", recalc);
// run the calculation function now
function recalc(){
// the equation to use for the calculation
"qty * price * special",
// define the variables used in the equation, these can be a jQuery object
qty: $("input[name^=qty_item_]"),
price: $("[id^=price_item_]"),
special: $("input[name^=special_]")
// define the formatting callback, the results of the calculation are passed to this function
function (s){
// return the number as a dollar amount
return "$" + s.toFixed(2);
// define the finish callback, this runs after the calculation has been complete
function ($this){
// sum the total of the $("[id^=total_item]") selector
var sum = $this.sum();
// round the results to 2 digits
"$" + sum.toFixed(2)