我無法控制我收到的文件 – user793468 2012-02-24 19:40:28
您可以在Excel中打開它並將其保存爲其他格式 – Paul 2012-02-24 19:56:47
我正在設計一個用戶界面,使用戶可以選擇我正在說的文件,然後在Access Table中顯示它,是的,我可以打開它並以不同的格式重新保存它,但是我將遇到所有其他複雜問題,例如:將用戶的計算機保存在哪裏,用戶是否有一個特定的文件夾,用戶是否有權訪問該特定的文件夾等。因此,尋找一個不同的解決方案 – user793468 2012-02-24 20:19:46
Dim f1 As String
Dim f2 As String
Dim f3 As String
Open "d:\test.txt" For Input As #1
Input #1, f1, f2, f3
Debug.Print f1, f2, f3
Input #1, f1, f2, f3
Debug.Print f1, f2, f3
Close #1 '
sjonn one 1,855.9
ptele two 344.0
不爲你工作,那麼你可以定義一個方法,這樣做「手動」 :
Set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = fs.GetFile("import.txt")
Set objFileTextStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1, 2)
objFileTextStream.skipLine 'if the file contains the header
Do While objFileTextStream.AtEndOfStream <> True
strLine = objFileTextStream.ReadLine 'read a line
strLinePart = split(strLine,",") 'Split the line using the , delimiter
firstField = strLinePart(0)
secondField = strLinePart(1)
thirdField = strLinePart(2)
strSQL = "INSERT INTO myTable Values('"& firstField &"','"& secondField &"','"& thirdField &"')"
conn.Execute strSQL
objFileTextStream.Close: Set objFileTextStream = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
conn.Close: Set conn = Nothing
我曾經遇到過這個問題,這是另一種方法,也許會有幫助,但是它的分割線本身,即你必須使用這種方法 其還假定它包含在一個命名爲模塊
''Perfoms a smart split that takes care of the ""
Public Function SmartSplit(Str As String) As Variant
''New collection
Dim Quote As String
Dim Delimiter As String
Dim MyString As String
Dim Sample As String
Dim StrCollection As New Collection
Dim Array_1() As String
Dim HasSeenQuote As Boolean
Dim index As Long
Quote = "" & CStr(Chr(34))
Delimiter = "" & CStr(Chr(44))
HasSeenQuote = False
Array_1 = Split(Str, Delimiter)
For index = LBound(Array_1) To UBound(Array_1)
Sample = Array_1(index)
If Module1.StartsWith(Sample, Quote, False) Then
HasSeenQuote = True
End If
''We append the string
If HasSeenQuote Then
MyString = MyString & "," & Sample
End If
''We add the term
If Module1.EndsWith(Sample, Quote, False) Then
HasSeenQuote = False
MyString = Replace(MyString, Quote, "")
MyString = Module1.TrimStartEndCharacters(MyString, ",", True)
MyString = Module1.TrimStartEndCharacters(MyString, Quote, True)
StrCollection.Add (MyString)
MyString = ""
GoTo LoopNext
End If
''We did not see a quote before
If HasSeenQuote = False Then
Sample = Module1.TrimStartEndCharacters(Sample, ",", True)
Sample = Module1.TrimStartEndCharacters(Sample, Quote, True)
StrCollection.Add (Sample)
End If
Next index
''Copy the contents of the collection
Dim MyCount As Integer
MyCount = StrCollection.Count
Dim RetArr() As String
ReDim RetArr(0 To MyCount - 1) As String
Dim X As Integer
For X = 0 To StrCollection.Count - 1 ''VB Collections start with 1 always
RetArr(X) = StrCollection(X + 1)
Next X
SmartSplit = RetArr
End Function
''Returns true of false if the string starts with a string
Public Function EndsWith(ByVal Str As String, Search As String, IgnoreCase As Boolean) As Boolean
EndsWith = False
Dim X As Integer
X = Len(Search)
If IgnoreCase Then
Str = UCase(Str)
Search = UCase(Search)
End If
If Len(Search) <= Len(Str) Then
EndsWith = StrComp(Right(Str, X), Search, vbBinaryCompare) = 0
End If
End Function
''Trims start and end characters
Public Function TrimStartEndCharacters(ByVal Str As String, ByVal Search As String, ByVal IgnoreCase As Boolean) As String
If Module1.StartsWith(Str, Search, IgnoreCase) Then
Str = Right(Str, (Len(Str) - Len(Search)))
End If
If Module1.EndsWith(Str, Search, IgnoreCase) Then
Str = Left(Str, (Len(Str) - Len(Search)))
End If
TrimStartEndCharacters = Str
End Function
''Returns true of false if the string starts with a string
Public Function StartsWith(ByVal Str As String, Search As String, IgnoreCase As Boolean) As Boolean
StartsWith = False
Dim X As Integer
X = Len(Search)
If IgnoreCase Then
Str = UCase(Str)
Search = UCase(Search)
End If
If Len(Search) <= Len(Str) Then
StartsWith = StrComp(Left(Str, X), Search, vbBinaryCompare) = 0
End If
End Function
@HansUp有模塊,它是一個擴展之前,首先拆分字符串成線那個問題。我已使用示例數據更新了上述問題 – user793468 2012-02-24 21:41:19
請確認:如果金額字段包含逗號,則該值用雙引號括起來。否則,金額值**不會被引號包圍。 – HansUp 2012-02-24 21:52:40
@HansUp是的,正確的 – user793468 2012-02-24 22:01:29