好吧,我很抱歉 - 我已經花了最後幾天的工作,並且Im卡住了......所以我要求提供建議或新的眼睛來幫我在這裏...PHP中的Mysql運行一個查詢,然後失敗第二,
@ $query = "INSERT INTO users
Username , Password , pwsecret , emailAddress , Fname , Lname , Joined_Date
'$uName' , '$encoded', '$salt' , '$email' , '$firstName' , '$lastName', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
if (!mysqli_query($db,$query)){
$error_message = "There was a problem when attempting to add you as a user, please try again and if the issue persists please contact the webadmin.";
//clear vars for reuse::
$_POST = array(); //should stop data from persisting.
$uName = "";
$pw1 = "";
$pw2 = "";
$encoded = "";
$email = "";
$firstName = "";
$lastName = "";
exit(); //jic something goes wrong we do not want to have the script resume.
//the following should add a newly generated user to the roles table.
$select="(SELECT userID FROM users WHERE Username = $uName)"; //sub query to return a user ID
$insert="INSERT INTO roles (userID , isAdmin , isMod , isFormerStaff , isUser , isBanned) VALUES ((SELECT userID FROM users WHERE Username = $uName;) , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0);"; //insert query to add user to roles table
//I tested this code in mysql phpmyAdmin and it worked with out error...
if (!mysqli_query($db,$insert)){
echo "User role not created - please add user manually.";
在多個地方, '用戶名= $ uName;'< - 刪除分號並在'$ uName'周圍加引號,除非這是一個數字。除此之外,你很容易受到SQL注入的影響。請參閱http://stackoverflow.com/q/60174/2191572並祝你好運 – MonkeyZeus
你已經開放SQL注入。由於您使用的是mysqli,請利用[prepared statements](http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.quickstart.prepared-statements.php)和[bind_param](http://php.net/手動/ EN/mysqli的-stmt.bind-param.php)。 – aynber
而不是做select-inside-the-insert語句,你可以[得到插入id](http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.insert-id.php)你的第一個插入查詢。 – aynber