//fluff to create an example
const outArr = Array(10).fill(0).map((el, i) => { return (
'<p>Title ' + i + '</p>' +
'<p>Decription ' + i + '</p>' +
'<span>Other ' + i + '</span>' +
'<button>Click to Like' + i + '!</button>'
const output = outArr.join(',');
document.getElementById('ex-container').innerHTML = output;
//targeting inside anon event function for simplicity
document.getElementById('ex-container').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.target.localName == 'button') {
const curEl = e.target
const parent = curEl.parentNode;
//I can access the parent node. If I had id's, I know I could targert
//children with those. How would I target the siblings, and from the
//parentNode target a specific child by element tagName, such as p?
console.log('curEl: ', curEl);
console.log('parent: ', parent);
<div id='ex-container'>
<!-- everything goes here -->
你想做的事可以用jQuery或類似的庫輕鬆完成一切。要做到這一點,沒有jQuery和直接的DOM功能,請查看https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getElementsByTagName和Element上定義的其他函數。 –
「更近」是什麼意思?因爲在你顯示的情況下,最接近''button'的'p'將會是下面帶有「Title」的'p',除非它是最後一個'button',在這種情況下它將會不同。 –
@Daniel Williams我知道如何通過tagName來定位元素,我想知道如何在DOM上遍歷它們。例如:e.target.parentNode.span(但這不起作用,我在尋找正確的語法)。 –