2017-02-28 52 views



//fluff to create an example 
const outArr = Array(10).fill(0).map((el, i) => { return (
    '<p>Title ' + i + '</p>' + 
    '<p>Decription ' + i + '</p>' + 
    '<span>Other ' + i + '</span>' + 
    '<button>Click to Like' + i + '!</button>' 
const output = outArr.join(','); 
document.getElementById('ex-container').innerHTML = output; 

//targeting inside anon event function for simplicity 
document.getElementById('ex-container').addEventListener('click', function(e) { 
    if (e.target.localName == 'button') { 
     const curEl = e.target 
     const parent = curEl.parentNode; 
     //I can access the parent node. If I had id's, I know I could targert 
     //children with those. How would I target the siblings, and from the 
     //parentNode target a specific child by element tagName, such as p? 
     console.log('curEl: ', curEl); 
     console.log('parent: ', parent); 
<div id='ex-container'> 
<!-- everything goes here --> 



你想做的事可以用jQuery或類似的庫輕鬆完成一切。要做到這一點,沒有jQuery和直接的DOM功能,請查看https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getElementsByTagName和Element上定義的其他函數。 –


「更近」是什麼意思?因爲在你顯示的情況下,最接近''button'的'p'將會是下面帶有「Title」的'p',除非它是最後一個'button',在這種情況下它將會不同。 –


@Daniel Williams我知道如何通過tagName來定位元素,我想知道如何在DOM上遍歷它們。例如:e.target.parentNode.span(但這不起作用,我在尋找正確的語法)。 –



增加了一些屬性來解決在源代碼中註釋的問題(無法理解問題)。詳細信息由片段中的/* */發表評論。


//fluff to create an example 
const outArr = Array(10).fill(0).map((el, i) => { 
    return (
    '<p>Title ' + i + '</p>' + 
    '<p>Decription ' + i + '</p>' + 
    '<span>Other ' + i + '</span>' + 
    '<button>Click to Like' + i + '!</button>' 
const output = outArr.join(','); 
document.getElementById('ex-container').innerHTML = output; 

//targeting inside anon event function for simplicity 
document.getElementById('ex-container').addEventListener('click', function(e) { 
    /* Compare the currentTarget to the target, this way it 
    || will give you target to whatever you clicked not just a 
    || button 
    if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) { 
    const curEl = e.target 
    const parent = curEl.parentNode; 
    // How would I target the siblings, 
    var bigBro = curEl.previousElementSibling; 
    var lilBro = curEl.nextElementSibling; 
    /* Collect all children of parent */ 
    var kids = parent.children; 
    // from the parentNode target a specific child by element tagName, such as p? 
    /* Same results for both with one difference being the 
    || first one is "live" NodeList the other "static" 
    || NodeList. 90% of the time, it's safer to go "static" 
    || using querySelectorAll() 
    var paragraphsByTag = parent.getElementsByTagName('p'); 
    var paragraphsBySel = parent.querySelectorAll('p'); 

    console.log('curEl: ', curEl); 
    console.log('parent: ', parent); 
    console.log('bigBro: ', bigBro); 
    console.log('lilBro: ', lilBro); 
    /* Add .length property to get total number */ 
    console.log('Total Kids: ', kids.length); 
    /* NodeLists are array-like but not true arrays, so use 
    || Array.from() to convert them into true arrays. 
    console.log('Paragraphs are: ', Array.from(paragraphsBySel)); 
    /* Specific by tagName is almost an oxymoron. If you 
    || want to target a specific element but only have 
    || tagNames, then as you commented, by index is the way 
    || to go. 
    console.log('The 6th paragraph is: ', Array.from(paragraphsBySel)[5]); 

<div id='ex-container'> 
    <!-- everything goes here --> 


我打算繼續這樣做,因爲它在移動方面看起來非常全面,並且涵蓋了使用示例中的代碼訪問兒童的不同方式。我仍然希望能夠找到一種方式來實現遍歷DOM,並更有效地遍歷DOM。例如console.log(e.target == e.target.parentNode.span.previousElementSibling.previousElementSiblingp.nextElementSiblingbutton)//記錄爲true –


嘗試使用jQuery,它具有一個名爲[chaining]的功能(http://www.jquery -tutorial.net/introduction/method-chaining/)。鏈接允許將方法鏈接在一起。我通常不會向初學者推薦jQuery,因爲我認爲這會讓他們錯誤地理解JavaScript,但看起來好像你對DOM有很好的把握。如果您正在尋找最完整的遍歷DOM的方法,[treewalker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TreeWalker)是一個選項,但其語法和操作是有點不同。 – zer00ne



const parent = document.getElementById('someID') 
const firstP = parent.querySelector('p:first-child') 

parent將REF的元件用的someID ID,並從那裏我們可以使用querySelectorparent以選擇第一p標籤。


const parent = document.getElementById('someID') 
const firstP = parent.querySelector('p:first-child') 

firstP.style.color = 'red'
<div id="someOtherID"> 
<div id="someID"> 


const parent = document.getElementById('someID') 
const pees = parent.querySelectorAll('p') 

parent.pees = Array.from(pees) 

parent.pees[0].style.color = 'red'
<div id="someOtherID"> 
<div id="someID"> 


這絕對有幫助!你知道一種方法,我可以使用通用的附加方法來遍歷它嗎?比如e.target.parentNode.firstElement.p或類似的東西? –


我已經用另一個例子更新瞭解決方案。 –


這讓我離勝利只有一步之遙。我現在可以通過鏈接querySelector僞造遍歷,比如e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll('p')[0]。我希望在那裏有一個可以遍歷標籤的方式,就像我可以通過parentNodes,children和id's一樣。 –
