2012-06-03 126 views

這裏的頁面http://www.chromium.org/developers/testing/pyauto#TOC-Running-PyAuto-using-prebuilt-binaries建議使用這裏的文件http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-continuous/index.html?path=Win/140227/來自己安裝它,但我不完全確定我要做什麼。如何在Win7 64bit Python2.7上安裝PyAuto?


這是我的錯誤,當我嘗試運行我也無法找出在這被認爲是chrome/test/pyautolib/fetch_prebuilt_pyauto.py編輯automated_ui_test.exe http://pastebin.com/Ab0vCCWk


EDIT2:得到它'建立'或什麼的,現在我有一組文件在我設置的路徑。現在,當我嘗試導入pyautolib時,出現以下錯誤:ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.我認爲這與我在64位上有關。通常,當發生這種情況時,我會檢查http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/,它有很多64位Python包,但這次不是。

在Windows 7,64位機器上運行PyAuto需要做什麼?




A 64-bit version of Chromium can be built on Linux by using the -Dtarget_arch=x64 flag on the GYP build system. (This is the default on 64-bit Linux systems.)

The 64-bit version of the V8 JavaScript engine used by Chromium can be built separately using the --arch=x64 flag in v8's Scons build system. This works on both the Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

Neither Chromium nor V8 has a 64-bit version on the Windows platform right now. However, Chrome does run on 64-bit Windows as a 32-bit application. V8 should only need a small number of changes to build on the Windows platform.
