你沒有提供一個可重複的例子,所以我僱傭了我自己的。 (Dput在帖子的末尾)
df2 <- df %>%
mutate(CatCI = if_else(is.na(CI), "", Cat)) # Create a categorical name to map the CI to the legend.
ggplot(df2, aes(x = x)) +
geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = min, ymax = max, y = mean, color = Cat), shape = 16) +
geom_point(data = dplyr::filter(df2,!is.na(CI)), ## Filter the NA within the CI
aes(y = (CI/0.2), ## Transform the CI's y position to fit the right axis.
fill = CatCI), ## Call a second aes the aes
shape = 25, size = 5, alpha = 0.25) + ## I changed shape, size, and fillto help with visualization
scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*0.2, name = "P Value")) +
labs(color = "Linerange\nSinister Axis", fill = "P value\nDexter Axis", y = "Mean")
df <- structure(list(Cat = c("a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c", "a", "b",
"c", "a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c"), x = c(2, 2, 2, 2.20689655172414,
2.20689655172414, 2.20689655172414, 2.41379310344828, 2.41379310344828,
2.41379310344828, 2.62068965517241, 2.62068965517241, 2.62068965517241,
2.82758620689655, 2.82758620689655, 2.82758620689655), mean = c(0.753611797661977,
0.772340941644911, 0.793970086962944, 0.822424652072316, 0.837015408776649,
0.861417383841253, 0.87023105762465, 0.892894201949377, 0.930096326498796,
0.960862178366363, 0.966600321596147, 0.991206984637544, 1.00714201832596,
1.02025006679944, 1.03650896186786), max = c(0.869753641121797,
0.928067675294351, 0.802815304215019, 0.884750162053761, 1.03609814491961,
0.955909854315582, 1.07113399603486, 1.02170928767791, 1.05504846273091,
1.09491706586801, 1.20235615364205, 1.12035782960649, 1.17387406039167,
1.13909154635088, 1.0581878034897), min = c(0.632638511783381,
0.713943701135991, 0.745868763626567, 0.797491261486603, 0.743382797144923,
0.827693203320894, 0.793417962991821, 0.796917421637021, 0.92942504556723,
0.89124101157585, 0.813058838839382, 0.91701749675892, 0.943744642652422,
0.912869230576973, 0.951734254896252), CI = c(NA, 0.164201137643034,
0.154868406784159, NA, 0.177948094206453, 0.178360305763648,
NA, 0.181862670931493, 0.198447350829814, NA, 0.201541499248143,
0.203737532636542, NA, 0.205196077692786, 0.200992205838595),
CatCI = c("", "b", "c", "", "b", "c", "", "b", "c", "", "b",
"c", "", "b", "c")), .Names = c("Cat", "x", "mean", "max",
"min", "CI", "CatCI"), row.names = c(NA, 15L), class = "data.frame")
您可以擴展的P值/ 0.2 –
@SRivero哈,我像那個想法一樣。現在會使用它。雖然我會認爲有一種方法可以給每個繪圖一個定義它的單位或y軸的屬性,以便您不需要改變數據值就可以繪製它。 – Leo
不使用ggplot。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3099219/plot-with-2-y-axes-one-y-axis-on-the-left-and-otherother-y-axis-on-the-right –