Servoy JavaScript框架依賴於http插件(包含在Servoy的aprt中)來製作HTTP Posts。
var sURL = 'http://www.example.com/myapipath/';
var oJSON = {"employees":[
{"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"},
{"firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith"},
{"firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones"}
var sClient = plugins.http.createNewHttpClient(); // HTTP plugin object
var sPoster = sClient.createPostRequest(sURL); // Post request object
sPoster.addHeader('content-type','application/json'); // required for JSON to be parsed as JSON
application.output('Executing HTTP POST request and waiting for response from '+sURL, LOGGINGLEVEL.INFO);
var sResponse = null;
var sResponseData = "";
var nHttpStatusCode = 0;
var sCaughtException = '';
try {
nHttpStatusCode = (sResponse = sPoster.executeRequest()).getStatusCode(); // POST JSON request to API
catch (e) {
// This handles the case when the domain called does not exist or the server is down, etc.
// in this case there will be no HTTP status code returned so we must handle this differently
// to prevent the Servoy application from crashing
sCaughtException = e['rhinoException'].getMessage();
if (-1 != sCaughtException.indexOf('TypeError: Cannot call method "getStatusCode"')) {
application.output('WARNING: Could not determine HTTP status code. The server might be down or its URL might be invalid.', LOGGINGLEVEL.WARNING);
else {
application.output('WARNING: caught unknown HTTP POST exception: '+sCaughtException, LOGGINGLEVEL.WARNING);
if (200 == nHttpStatusCode) { // HTTP Ready Status
sResponseData = sResponse.getResponseBody(); // Get the server's response text
application.output('Successful, response received from server:',LOGGINGLEVEL.INFO);
application.output(sResponseData, LOGGINGLEVEL.INFO);
// put your code to handle a successful response from the server here
else {
// insert your code to handle various standard HTTP error codes (404 page not found, 403 Forbidden, etc.)